“Ooo, good one, Jiggy.” Pants stretches his arm for a high-five. “You’re right.”

A sly grin spreads over Jigsaw’s devilish face. “Bonus reason number five, older single moms are usually more confident and know what they want in bed.”

I narrow my eyes. “I ain’t jokin’. You steer clear of my momma, Jiggy.”

His expression is all slack-jawed innocence that I ain’t buying for one second.

“But you’re grown up and out on your own now,” he protests. “So, she’s technically not really a single mom.”

I turn my big eyes on Rooster to plead for assistance.

“We talked about this.” Rooster glares at Jigsaw, his jaw so tight it could crack a walnut.

“What?” Jiggy’s deep voice resonates with fake confusion. “I said it to reassure her.”

Dex raises his hands to the sky and pretends to search the area. “And yet, absolutely no one here is reassured.”

“Well, I’m not worried,” I huff. “My momma’s always liked older men, anyway.”

“Tastes change,” Jiggy sings.

“Jensen!” I slap my leg. “I’m serious.”

“Don’t,” Rooster warns. “The more you deny him, the more he’ll want.”

“I’m a sucker for forbidden fruit,” Jigsaw agrees.

“Oh, in that case, have at it. And since I’m grown and all, she’s got loads of free time. She would absolutely expect you to be there in the mornings and to take her to the farmers’ market.”

Jiggy groans and shakes his head like someone just told him the tooth fairy isn’t real. “See, now you’re killing the fantasy for me.”

“Good! Don’t you be fantasizing about my momma.”

Dex laughs so hard, he practically rolls out of his chair. “I think I’m gonna need to ride to Texas with you guys.”

I growl in his direction but the guys only laugh harder.

“Your mom’s pretty fine.” Pants squeezes his eyes shut like he’s trying to paint himself a mental picture. “Don’t you want her to be happy?”

“Yes, of course.” I take a breath and consider my words. “But men have never made her happy. Just caused more heartache.”

“Perhaps,” Jigsaw holds his hands in the air to cut off my protest, “hear me out, but perhaps, she hasn’t met the right man.”

I glare at him.

“I think Jiggy means the right now man,” Dex adds.

“Now. Later. Couple times a year.” Jiggy cocks his head from side to side. “Whatever.”

“I’ll whatever you,” I mutter.

“Hey, if we’re done torturing Shelby, anyone want to go over our plan for visiting Washington?” Dex asks.

“We can talk about it later,” Rooster says.

Dex glances at me and nods.

See, I knew they needed some bro time.

The guys move on to talking about other stuff. Jigsaw hands me a gooey s’more oozing chocolate and marshmallow. “I was just kidding around,” he says.

“Apology accepted.” I lick the chocolate coating my fingers and nibble on my treat. “Thank you.”

I break off a messy piece and feed bites to Rooster who makes a point of sucking my fingers clean when he’s finished.

Laughing, I lean in and kiss him. He tastes like warm chocolate and everything sweet in my world. “Y’all need to talk club business?” I whisper as I pull away.

“It can wait.”

“Nah, I’m tuckered out. You guys talk.” While I stand and stretch, Rooster keeps his hands on my legs. “Night, everyone. Thank you for helping me out tonight.”

“Night, Shelby.”

I lean over and kiss Rooster.

“I won’t be long,” he promises.

“No worries.” I wave to the guys and make my way to the RV.

The guys are loud, but once I’m inside, I can’t make out anything they’re saying. I flick on the television, change, and crawl into bed.

Rooster steps inside sometime later.

He smiles when he notices I’m awake. “Hey, thought you might be sleeping.”


He runs through his night routine, then locks everything up tight and joins me.

“I always feel bad that the guys are sleeping outside,” I whisper.

“Don’t. They do it all the time on runs.” He gestures toward the other end. “Jiggy will probably be in later if it makes you feel better.”

I hum a noise of agreement and snuggle up close, listening to the steady, reassuring thump of his heart.

Finally, finally, I have my wish for the night. I’m in my fluffy jammy pants, cuddled tight under the covers with my man, watching something completely brainless to let my mind wander.

I let out a happy sigh.

When the movie’s over, Rooster clicks the television off. Darkness and silence fall over us like a comforting blanket. Outside, crickets weave their constant nocturnal chorus.

“You were stunning on stage tonight.” Rooster brushes my hair aside and kisses my shoulder.

I murmur a “thank you,” and snuggle closer. Mind still spinning from the evening, it feels good to be still with him in the quiet of our little oasis.

“You haven’t played White Knight the last few shows. How come?” he asks, stroking his fingers over my side.

Yikes. I don’t want to go within ten feet of that conversation. “I dunno,” I mumble, hoping he’ll think I’m almost asleep and drop it.