“Oh my gawd.” Shelby’s jaw drops. “This is amazing. I can’t believe this is hidden here. What is it?”

“No one knows. The place was a yoga retreat or something back when the club bought it maybe ten or fifteen years ago. But this probably predates the clubhouse.”

“Wow.” She runs up to the massive rectangular altar and stares at the rough, stone surface as if she’s afraid to touch it. “I wonder if it’s charged with magical energy.”

“The guys joke that the people who built it probably sacrificed virgins here.”

She reverently runs her hand over the top. “I don’t know about that. Seems more like a place to honor deities or spirits. Maybe a Wiccan altar for spell work or ritual celebrations—full moons and seasons—not virgin sacrifices.”

“Well, now it’s used for weddings—”

“Oh, this is probably a beautiful spot for an outdoor wedding!” She clasps her hands together and studies the intimate setting.

I’m glad her mind’s on weddings.

“Shelby.” I settle my hands on her hips and turn her to face me.

She lifts her gaze and studies my face. “Why so serious?”

I boost her onto the altar and she braces her hands on my shoulders. “This could be a sacred stone. I don’t know if I should disrespect it by puttin’ my butt on it.”

“I guarantee worse things have happened to that slab of stone since the club’s owned the property.” I brush my fingertips against her chin. “Hey, I have an important question to ask you.”

I should’ve thought this out better. The altar places her too high up for me to get on one knee unless I want to ask her shins to marry me.

Whatever. Doesn’t matter.

Ask her. Stop fucking around. Ask her now!

Her curious eyes meet mine. “What? I don’t have my cards if you have a question for the universe.”


She pats the stone. “It’s probably a good spot for tarot readings.”

I can’t help laughing. “Shelby. Do you have any idea how happy you make me?”

My grave tone erases the smile from her lips.

“I hope I make you as happy as you make me,” she whispers.

“You’re the brightest star in my universe. I want to spend the rest of my life riding the wind with you. I love you more than I thought it was possible to love another person.” My voice dips to an urgent rasp. “Will you marry me?”

She doesn’t hesitate, wildly launching herself into my arms. “Yes! Really? Yes!”

“Yes, really.” I brush a kiss over her lips.

Her arms tighten around my neck. “Yes, yes, yes,” she whispers against my lips. “So much yes. I want to marry you. Explore the whole world with you.”

“That sounds good.” My hands slip to her butt and I rest her against the stone again so I can take my time thoroughly kissing her.

Oh, fuck.

I pull away so fast she’s left with her eyes closed, kissing air. She blinks. “What’s wrong?”

This time, I get down on one knee.

She slides off the altar and stands in front of me. “What are you doing?”

I pull the small box from the inside pocket of my cut. “This goes with the question.” I pop the top open. “Sorry, I messed it up.”

“Logan.” She presses her fists against her mouth. “Oh my God,” she gasps. “It’s beautiful.”

I pluck the ring out of the box, careful not to fumble it out of my big fingers. “It’s called a wandering universe ring. And that’s what I want to do—wander this earth with you for the rest of my life.”

“Me too,” she whispers. “Oh, it’s so perfect.”

“I thought so too.” I grin wide. I should’ve thanked Z for putting me on laundromat duty. “I saw it by accident but the second I did, I had to buy it.”

She holds out her left hand and I slip the ring on her finger.

“It fits.” She doesn’t take her eyes off the ring. “Oh, I love it.”

I squeeze my eyes shut as I stand, silently laughing at the memory. “I had to think fast in the store to remember your ring size.”

“It’s the same as—”

“I remembered.”

She jumps up and kisses me again, clinging to my body in the sweetest way. “I’m going to be the best wife.”

“Of course you are.”

“When do you want to get married?”


“Whenever you want.”

“I always thought a winter wedding would be pretty.” She casts a wistful glance toward the forest.

“Pretty maybe. But probably not practical. When the snow turns to slush, it loses some of its magic.” I feel bad for shooting her down. “Fall’s nice here.”

“Hmm.” She taps her lip, her eyes already taking on a distant look. “I could be an autumn bride.”

“You can be any kind of bride you want, chickadee. As long as you’re mine.”



“It’s here.” My heart races and hands shake as I pull the fresh copy of Glow magazine out of an envelope. A bright yellow square sticking out of the magazine grabs my attention and I pluck it out.