“No,” Z answers. “Chaser kind of put us on the spot, springing it on us like that.”

Rock snorts and sits back. “Stump should’ve retired years ago. Chaser’s more cunning than his father ever was.”

“I don’t know,” I say carefully, not wanting to seem like I’m jumping to defend Chaser. “He didn’t look thrilled about the situation himself.”

“He mention any of this to you when you were all buddy-buddy in Nashville?” Z asks.

I roll my eyes. “We weren’t ‘buddy-buddy.’ Most of what we talked about was music-related.”

“Like?” Rock prompts.

“I don’t know. Stuff about Dawson.” I reconsider the conversation. “I think he was trying to reassure me Dawson isn’t a sleaze and Shelby would be okay working with him.”

“Huh.” Z’s gaze slides Rock’s way.

Rock shrugs. He seems to be losing interest in this topic, thank fuck.

“What if Chaser wants out of the MC?” Dex asks.

All four of us stare at him.

“Stump’s father was one of the founders of that MC,” Rock says.

Dex shrugs. “So? Dylan doesn’t seem to be interested in taking over. He hasn’t patched-in yet.”

“Chaser didn’t fully patch-in until later, either,” Rock points out.

“Demons are like the Amish. They give you some time off to go out into the world before committing yourself to the community.” Z snaps his fingers. “What’s it called?”

“Rumspringa?” Jigsaw offers. “Clearly, you’ve never met any Amish or Mennonites, Prez.”

“Same idea,” Z argues.

“If we’re done with the Sunday school lesson…” Rock lifts his chin at Dex. “What made you say that?”

“He’s gettin’ older.” Dex shrugs. “Sounds like he’s getting back into music. These half-brothers who magically appeared have cartel ties. He already spent the last thirty years puttin’ up with the Russians. Maybe he’s done.”

“Wouldn’t fuckin’ blame him,” Z says. “Rojas was no joke. I’m sure his sons are just as delightful.”

“So, what’s he gonna do? Close up shop?” Rock asks.

“We just saw the Wolf Knights shut down a charter,” Dex reminds him. “Ten years ago, we never thought they’d do that.”

“True.” Rock rubs his hand over the back of his neck. “We can’t hold down territory all the way to Buffalo. Not without a lot more bodies.”

“I wouldn’t get ahead of ourselves, Prez,” I say. While I understand, and don’t necessarily disagree with, Dex’s idea, there’s no point in speculating now. We have plenty to keep us busy. “If he wants out, he’s got other people who will run that charter.”

“Who? Grudge?” Z taps the side of his head. “He’s all brawn, not a lot of brains.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Rock says. “But, yeah, I don’t see him running things either.” He slaps his hand on the table. “Rooster’s right. It’s out of our control, so let’s not worry about it until we have to.”

“All I was trying to say is that bringing the support club into the fold now, rather than later, might be a good idea,” Dex says.

“Excellent,” Rock agrees with a hearty smirk. “That can be your winter project.”

Dex opens his mouth, absorbs the don’t argue look on Rock’s face, and quickly closes it.

Since this conversation seems to be over, I finish my coffee and tap Jiggy’s shoulder. “Come outside with me?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“What’s up?” he asks as soon as we’re in the parking lot.

No reason to dance around the subject. “I’m proposing to Shelby today.”

He closes his eyes briefly. “About fucking time. I was starting to wonder if you ate the damn ring and were waiting to shit it out or something.”

“What?” I stare at him. “Why…what the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Why are you telling me?”

“I want to do it here.”

“Why here?”

Because this is where Shelby and I admitted to each other we hadn’t been seeing anyone else and wanted to explore where things between us could go. “None of your business.”

“What do you need me for?”

“I want to do it at the stone amphitheater.” I gesture toward the woods.

“Can you see if Murphy will help you clear the main path out there? I don’t want her getting smacked in the face with branches on the way out there.”

“You realize Shelby’s going to see that place and think you’re about to sacrifice her to the gods or something, right?”

“No, she won’t.”

“If you say so.” He slaps my shoulder. “I’ll get it done.”

“Thanks, brother.”

Chapter Sixty-Two


“Where are ya taking me, anyway?” Shelby whispers.

I move through the woods slightly ahead of her. Jiggy did a decent job of clearing the path on short notice, but I still want to be careful.

“There’s something I want to show you.”

“It’s so pretty,” she says in a hushed voice. “I can’t believe how quiet it is. Almost feels like we’re the only people left in the world.”


As if to contradict her statement, an engine starts up in the distance. Nothing more than a faint, rumbling whine. “We’re never too far from civilization.”


The woods finally open up to a large clearing and stone amphitheater. A stage-like setting complete with an altar the size of a twin mattress to the right. And to the left rows and rows of low stone benches. A wide strip of grass in the middle.