He hands over a card with his number. “I mean it, Shelby.”


For a second or two he stands there, dark eyes studying me as if he’s weighing his words. “It sucks that your regular writing partner can’t be here.”

“Yeah, it doesn’t look like he’s gonna make it back.”

“If you want to write with someone, my daughter’s talented. You met her at—”

“I remember Angelina, she was so sweet.”

He chuckles. “She can be, yeah. Anyway, she’s not a professional songwriter, but she has a good ear.” He smiles fondly. “She’s helped me out a few times over the years. She’s supposed to come down next weekend to do some sightseeing with Mal but if you’re interested, I’ll see if I can get her here earlier.”

“Are you sure she’d be interested?”

“Definitely. And I think your styles would mesh well.”

Meaning what?

“She’s a woman closer to your age,” he explains as if I’d asked the question out loud. His mouth quirks. “She’s spirited…and opinionated.” He jerks his head toward Dawson’s now-empty chair. “You two have some similar ideas.”

Finally, I get what he’s saying, and I can’t help laughing. “Shoot. You think I offended Dawson?” I whisper.

“Nah. He’s not stupid. He knows his sound has gotten stale. He wouldn’t have fought so hard to drag me out of retirement otherwise.”

“Why retire? You clearly love doing this.” I hope that’s not too nosy but I’m dying to know.

“It’s…complicated. But I’m actually glad I’m here. I worked with Dawson when he was first starting out and it’s a real kick to see how far he’s come.”

Well, dang. I’d sure love if he could say the same thing about me one day.

Chapter Forty-One


I expected to have a quiet night with Shelby. Hear all about her session. Maybe listen to whatever she came up with in the studio.

I wasn’t expecting to go to dinner with Dawson tonight. But it’s important for Shelby. Thankfully, Chaser and Mallory join us.

Since Dawson knows the area best, he chose the place.

“Classic American food with a global spin. That sound all right?” Dawson asks. He hands the menu back to the hostess.

“I’m dying for mac and cheese,” Shelby says. “Like gooey, gourmet, real stuff. Not boxed.”

“Yes!” Mallory says. “I vote for that.”

“Mac and cheese it is.” Dawson claps his hands together.

The staff rushes to find us a table large enough in a quiet area of the crowded restaurant.

People rubberneck it to gawk at Dawson as we pass. The staff keeps us moving along, though.

“How’d it go today?” I ask Chaser.

“Not bad.” The corners of his mouth twitch. “Shelby’s not afraid to share her opinions.”

Pride thrums through my chest. Knew my girl would find her footing.

“Where’s Jigsaw, isn’t he still traveling with you?” Chaser asks.

“At our Deadbranch charter helping out.”

“Digger still running things there?”

Surprised Chaser knows or cares about our Tennessee charter, but it’s not like it’s top-secret information. “Yeah.”

“Tell him I said hello. He and my dad used to be tight. Dad always had a lot of respect for him.”

Interesting bit of LOKI legend I wasn’t aware of. Maybe I should talk to Z about putting together some sort of LOKIpedia for all of us younger brothers. Then again, if I suggest it, I better be prepared to do it myself.

We’re seated at a round table in a quiet section. Dawson recognizes a couple nearby and stops to talk to them.

“The guy is Buck Ainsley,” Shelby whispers to me. “He’s a big record producer.”

“Shelby,” Dawson calls, curling his fingers to motion her closer. “Come here, darlin’.”

Her scared eyes meet mine for a brief second before she slips into professional mode, pastes on a big smile, and struts over to the table.

That’s my girl.

Chaser raises an eyebrow. “I’m guessing Dawson’s not impressed with whoever’s lined up to produce her album?”

“No clue.”

In a lower voice he asks, “Whatever came of Glenna Wilson being involved in Shelby’s kidnapping?”

“Jack shit. She all but admitted it.” I shrug. “But with him dead, there’s not much to tie Suggs to her. She’s pretty much off the hook.”

“Interesting.” He watches Dawson and Shelby. “He’s taken an interest her. In her career,” he adds quickly.

“You trying to tell me something?” I really don’t want to have to punch Chaser tonight. Or Dawson.

“No, no, no. I don’t get that vibe from him at all. Nothing like that. The guy Glenna cheated with was Dawson’s best friend.”

“I think I heard that somewhere.”

“Dawson also mentored him, brought him into the business, got him signed to his record label, and collaborated with him. He got fucked over by Tucker and Glenna ten different ways.”

“Shit.” No wonder Dawson seemed so impressed with the loyalty I share with my club brothers.

Shelby returns to us. “Sorry,” she whispers in my ear, pulling her chair closer to mine so our legs are touching from hip to knee under the table.

“That’s what you’re here for. Networking.” I pat her thigh, hoping she understands I’m not mad at all.