But soon I remembered his poor cock as it pressed against me through his jeans. He had been so patient, pleasuring me first, and I needed to return the favor.

Sliding down off him and sinking to my knees, I pawed desperately at his belt, trying to get it off. My equilibrium was still off from the orgasmic rush, and I wasn’t doing a particularly good job of it.

Ragnar again took over, stripping down to nothing in a flash and letting me see his fantastic body in full.

“Wow!” I wanted to blurt out when my gaze fell on his hard cock.

It was huge. But I managed to keep my surprise to myself.

The heat returned to my cheeks, while still leaving plenty down in my pussy. I felt like a silly schoolgirl seeing her first cock. Though, to be fair, I had never seen a cock quite that big, so my surprise was justified.

Before he could respond, I took him in my mouth as deep as I dared, getting just past the big, throbbing head. I honestly didn’t think suck a cock existed, outside practical jokes and maybe the more niche types of porn. Yet, there it was, in my hands and in my mouth as I sucked him off blissfully.

Any words he might have attempted turned to loud moans of pleasure.

I knew he was getting close, a tension coming into his shaft as I sucked and licked for everything I was worth. Despite my best efforts to swallow all the cum he could deliver, at least a quarter of it ended up distributed between my face, neck, and chest.

Undaunted, Ragnar picked me up as though I weighed nothing— despite the fact that I’m a big girl— and carried me into the bathroom, where he cleaned me up. He was a gentle giant, not to mention clearly blessed by the gods.

When I glanced down, I could see that he was still rock-hard and raring to go. I was stunned by his quick recovery time, and I didn’t want to leave him hanging, so to speak, so I gently stroked his still extremely hard cock as he wiped me up.

“Bedroom?” he asked.


Taking me by the hand, he got me back to my feet and I guided him to the master bedroom.

Before I could so much as blink, he’d picked me up and lay me down on the bed near the edge of the mattress, my legs spread wide.

“God, you’re hot,” he said. “I love looking at your curves.”

Getting onto his knees, as if he was praying at a holy shrine, Ragnar worked his magic on me once again, licking me until I had to put a pillow over my face to muffle the screams of pure joy.

After delivering another huge orgasm, he kissed his way from my pussy up to my neck, getting more or less into position. When things were set, with my knees hooked over his elbows, Ragnar stroked the massive head against my tender pussy, making me moan from his very touch. He was above me but not on top of me, and still at a level where I could look into hie beautiful eyes.

“Fuck!” I screamed as he pushed inside me.

“You okay?”

“Yes, please, don’t stop, fuck me, please!” I wailed, no longer caring who heard.

Ragnar honored my wishes, easing his beautiful cock as far as he could inside me, a little more than a third of his full and mighty length, and started to pump.

It filled me with the most transcendent joy, his cock stroking up against my clit and g-spot at the same time, working me up into an earth-shattering orgasm that was bursting behind my eyes in a supernova of white light as Ragnar drove into me.

Slowly withdrawing his cock, he tenderly opened my mouth with his hand and delivered his load there. Unlike last time, he was able to control the flood a lot better, delivering four smaller volleys into my waiting mouth, giving me time to swallow before unleashing another.

I closed my lips around him before Ragnar could pull away. I wasn’t finished with him yet.

I’d never much liked the taste of cum. It was fine, I wasn’t a spitter or anything, but it wasn’t my favorite thing. Ragnar’s, however, was, or at least it was quickly becoming that.

One taste, even if most of it ended up on me, was enough to make me want more. I needed more.

It would be a while before my pussy recovered enough to take his monster cock into it again, so my mouth would have to do. He didn’t seem to mind at all, caressing my cheek and stroking my pussy as I sucked away on his beautiful cock, desperate for another helping of his delicious cum.

The second flood came, Ragnar handling it much the same as before, giving me smaller, more manageable helpings. I liked that. He paid attention, and my comfort and enjoyment were clearly important to him.