Page 55 of Inspirations

The outer fire may be put out with water;

the fire of lust will take you down to hell.

The fire of lust is not appeased by water,

because it has hell’s nature in tormenting.

What is the cure for lust? The light of faith:

‘Your light will quench the fire of unbelievers.’

What kills this fire? The light of God Almighty,

so make the light of Abraham your teacher,

So that your body like a timber frame

escapes your fire of self, which is like Nimrod.

This fiery lust does not abate with practice,

but only by abstaining does it lessen.

So long as you lay firewood on a fire,

how will the fire die down by stoking it?

When you deprive the fire of wood it dies,

so fear of God pours water on the fire.

How can the fire besmirch the lovely face

whose cheeks are rouged with ‘reverence of their hearts’?

A Fire Breaks Out in Medina in the Days of Omar (May God Be Pleased With Him)

A fire broke out back in the days of Omar;

it was consuming stones like kindling wood.

It fell on buildings and on dwelling houses,

and even caught the wings and nests of birds.

And half the city went up in the flames,

and water boiled in shock in fear of them.

And those who had their wits about them

threw their water-skins and vinegar on the fire.

The fire was growing stronger in its rage;

the source that fuelled it was infinite.

The people flocked in haste to Omar’s side: