Page 49 of Inspirations

it’s tearing down the veil of what is hidden,

And God requires concealment for a time.

Drive off this drummer-boy; close off the road!

Don’t gallop; draw the reins. Restraint is better;

it’s better all are happy in their views.

God wishes those who have no hope in Him

to not avert their faces from His worship.

While there’s still hope, they’ve still nobility.

A day or two they run beside His stirrups.

He would prefer His mercy shone on all,

on good and bad, in universal mercy.

God wishes every prince and every pauper

was full of hope and fearful and was cautious.

This fear and caution are within a veil,

so that behind the veil they are protected.

Where’s fear, where’s caution, when the veil is torn?

The awesomeness of unseen worlds is shown!

Thought struck a youth upon a river-bank:

‘That fisherman of ours is Solomon!

If that’s him, why’s he on his own, disguised;

if not, then why the look of Solomon?’

He was in two minds, thinking thoughts like this,

till Solomon returned as king and sovereign.

The demon fled the throne and left the kingdom;

the sword of fortune spilled that demon’s blood.

And when he put the ring upon his finger,

the hordes of sprites and demons gathered round.

And men came too to see what they could see –

among them was the youth who’d had the vision.

And when he saw the ring upon his finger,