Page 46 of Inspirations

or stays within the gaol of partial things.

So all five senses are just like a channel:

they’re flowing at the heart’s command and will.

Whatever way the heart is telling them,

the senses move and trail their skirts behind them.

The hands and feet are in the heart’s control

just like the staff held in the hand of Moses.

The heart desires – and feet are made to dance

or flee to increase from deficiency.

The heart desires – the hand is brought to book

with fingers so that it shall write a book.

The hand is subject to a hidden hand –

from inside this controls the outer body.

If it desires, it is a snake to foes,

or it may be a comrade to a friend.

If it desires, it is a spoon in food

or else a mace that weighs a hundredweight.

I wonder what the heart will say to them –

such strange conjunctions, stranger hidden causes.

The heart must have the seal of Solomon

that it can hold the reins of all five senses.

Five outward senses are controlled by it,

five inward senses at its beck and call.

Ten senses and ten limbs and many others –

you may count up the ones I’ve overlooked.

Since you’re a Solomon in sovereignty,

O heart, then cast your spell on sprite and demon.

If you are not deceitful in this kingdom,

three demons will not take the seal from you.

And after that your name will seize the world;