Page 43 of Inspirations

The human seed is white and fair in substance,

but it reflects both Greek and savage soul.

It colours those who have ‘the fairest stature’

or drags the other half to deepest hell.

These words go on forever; go on back!

Let us not miss the caravan of camels.

‘The day their faces turned to black and white’,

the Turk and Hindu will be known among them.

They are not known when they are in the womb;

at birth the strong and weak come into view.

‘I see, as on the Day of Resurrection,

all of them face to face as men and women.

So shall I speak or shall I save my breath?’

Mohammed bit his lip at him: ‘Enough.’

‘God’s Prophet! Shall I tell the assembly’s secret?

I’ll show the world today the Resurrection.

Will you allow me to draw back the veils

and, like a sun, my substance will shine out,

So that the sun will be eclipsed by me,

that I may show the date-palm and the willow?


demonstrate the Resurrection mystery,

the precious coin and that with alloy mixed.

Companions of the left with severed hands,

I’ll show their faithless and deceitful colours,

Reveal the seven holes of their deception,

in moonlight neither waning nor declining.

I shall reveal the woollen cloak of thieves;

I’ll sound the drum and tabla of the prophets.

I’ll bring before the eyes of infidels