Page 43 of The Valkyries

"Keep our hands strong, keep us from ceasing to struggle, even though we judge ourselves unworthy of going into battle.

"Make use of our lives, nourish our dreams. If we are made of the Earth, the Earth is also made of us. Everything is only one thing.

"Teach us and use us. We are forever yours.

"The Law was reduced to one commandment: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

"If we love, the world changes. The light of love scatters the darkness of guilt.

"Keep us strong in love. Make us accept for ourselves the love of God.

"Show us our love for ourselves.

"Require us to seek out the love of others. Even with fear of rejection, of severe glances, of the hardness of heart of some--do not permit us ever to give up our quest for love."

ONE OF THE VALKYRIES HELD OUT A TORCH TO VALHALLA. She lit it, and held up the blazing torch to heaven

"This is the third element: Fire.

"You say, Lord: 'I came to set fire to the Earth. And I am watchful that the fire grow.'

"May the fire of love grow in our hearts.

"May the fire of transformation glow in our movements.

"May the fire of purification burn away our sins.

"May the fire of justice guide our steps.

"May the fire of wisdom illuminate our path.

"May the fire that spreads over the Earth never be extinguished. It has returned, and we carry it within us.

"Prior generations passed on their sins to succeeding ones. Thus has it been, down to our fathers.

"Now, th

ough, we will pass forward the torch of your fire.

"We are warriors of the light, this light that we carry with pride.

"The fire that, when kindled for the first time, showed us our faults and our sins. We were surprised and frightened, and we felt ourselves to be incapable.

"But it was the fire of love. And it consumed what was bad in us when we accepted it.

"It showed us that we are neither better nor worse than those who frowned at us.

"And for this we accept forgiveness. There is no more guilt, and we can return to paradise. And we will bring with us the fire that will burn on earth."

VALHALLA INSERTED THE TORCH INTO A CREVICE IN THE rocks. Then she opened her canteen and spilled a few drops of water on Paulo's and Rotha's heads.

"This is the fourth element: Water.

"You said: 'Whoever drinks of this water will never thirst.'

"Well then, we are drinking this water. We wash away our sins, for love of the transformation that is going to shake the Earth.

"We will hear what the angels say, we will be messengers of their words.