Served him right for getting her into this mess.

“So what brings you guys here tonight?” Judah asked. “I’m sure the Yacht Club isn’t part of your usual routine.”

“Ben saw the message on Facebook,” Melissa confessed. “We’ve seen you twice before, but that was at the Carver-Hawkeye Arena, and this is so much more intimate. We couldn’t pass up the chance.”

“I wish I’d known you’d been to a show before. I’d have liked to catch up. Do you have time to stick around after? The four of us could go out for a drink.”

Melissa flicked a look at Ben, who frowned and shook his head slightly.

“Sorry,” she said. “Ben has work in the morning.”

“Oh?” Judah asked. “Still working at the hospital, Benjamin? I hear you’re a nurse.”

“You hear?”

Judah smirked. “I might have Googled you once or twice.”

Ben surprised her with a reluctant, crooked smile, and suddenly Katie could see the two of them together. Judah the outspoken one, provoking a taciturn Ben into laughter.

“I’m still at the hospital,” Ben confirmed.

“That’s so gay.”

Katie had to work hard to keep her jaw from dropping, but Ben just smiled wider. “It is, isn’t it?” he said. “But I like it.”

“He’s amazing at it,” Melissa said, wrapping her hand around her brother’s arm possessively. “He’s always winning awards at the hospital, and the patients are crazy about him. Last year—”

“Please don’t,” Ben said.

Melissa frowned. “Sorry. I shouldn’t gush. It makes him uncomfortable. But he’s really excellent at his job.”

Ben glanced at his watch. “We should leave you alone. Have a good show, Jude.” He extended his hand for a second time, and Judah shook it.

“You, too. Enjoy it.”

They disappeared into the crowd.

“What was that all about?” she asked.

“I needed to see if he would come.”

“Is that why we’re in Iowa? So you could see Ben Abrams again?”

“Sort of.” As she watched him, he became himself again. The nervy glitter in his eyes disappeared, replaced by his usual confident swagger. Judah’s social mask.

He patted her cheek and, without warning, kissed her full on the mouth. “Thanks for your help, sugar lips. I have a show to do. Hey, Ginny?”

Seeking Ginny, Judah turned in a full circle while Katie considered whether she ought to kick him again.

“There you are. What are we closing with tonight? I didn’t finish the list. I thought you’d—Hey. What’s the matter?”

Katie visually located Ginny just before she turned and fled from the Yacht Club basement.

“Shit,” Judah said. “Didn’t see that coming.”

“Did you see me punching you in the stomach?” Sean asked as he sauntered up.

“I did, actually. Can we get to that later? I’ve really got to roll here.”