“We already established that.”

He chuckled.

“I have a brother, you know. And a dad. I’m not a complete innocent.”

“Having a brother won’t get you very far. Having a boyfriend, on the other hand …”

“I’ve had boyfriends.”

“How come you don’t have one now?”

She thought about how to answer.

Because I’m tired of getting matched up with men who are exactly as good as I am, and exactly as uninteresting as I feel.

Because the first guy I slept with cried afterward, and while the other one was an improvement, sex hasn’t exactly knocked my socks off.

She settled on “I haven’t met the right type of guy, I guess.”

“Which is …?”

“Different from the guys I’ve already been with.”

“Different how?”

“Just different.”

“You’re ducking the question.”

Was she?

Yes. She was. Be bold, you weenie.

“Okay, sorry. Different like … I’d like to go out with a guy who’s had completely different experiences from me. Like a guy who’ll challenge me or drive me nuts sometimes. Somebody who doesn’t always feel safe, but always feels interesting.”


“You can’t just say ‘huh.’ ”

“Oh. What I meant was, ‘Huh, and here I thought you were going to talk about sex.’ ”

“You did?”

“I hoped. You’re making me curious.”


“I’m a man, and you’re pretty, plus you like me. You start talking about guys, and I start hoping I’m going to be able to work the conversation around to sex.”

“You want to know about my—” She couldn’t say sex life. She didn’t have a sex life. “—my personal life?”

“No. I just want you to talk about sex, freely, for the next several hours.”

Amber laughed, a surprised bark. “That’s not going to happen.”

“Damn. Well, just tell me this, then. Are you a virgin?”

“That’s none of your business.”