Page 79 of Savage Skies

They often managed to get away alone. Megan spent a great deal of time at Aunt Bright Sun’s lodge, where Little Bee still lived. To take Little Bee away from Bright Sun would have been the same as taking away her reason to live. She had grown as close to the child as though she were her

very own.

Blue Thunder paused. He leaned up enough to be able to look into Shirleen’s luscious green eyes. “I sense your mind is not entirely on our lovemaking,” he said huskily. “Are you again worrying about our not making a child?”

“Yes, and I must confess that other things came to my mind, too,” Shirleen had to admit. “I’m sorry, my husband. But I worry all the time about the fact that we have been together now for several months and I am still not with child.”

“I have seen this with other husbands and wives before. They are encouraged to stop thinking about it, and when they finally are able to think of other things, suddenly, like magic, the woman does finally become with child,” Blue Thunder carefully explained. “My wife, think only of how much I love you and how wonderful it is to be together. Think of the blessings we have been given, not only having found one another, but your having already given birth to such a child as Megan, and my wife having given birth to such a child as Little Bee. We are twice blessed, my wife, to have such darling daughters as our very own.”

“You are so wise, so wonderful,” Shirleen said, ashamed for having interrupted their lovemaking by allowing Earl into her mind again.

But when she thought about not being pregnant, who else could she blame?

“I promise that from now on I shall not think of anything while making love with you but how I am so blessed to have you,” she murmured. “You have given my life back to me, as well as my daughter. You have made my life complete.”

She reached a hand to his brow and shoved a lock of fallen hair back from his face. “My husband, if I never have another child, I promise you that I will be happy enough,” she said. But even as she spoke, she knew it was a white lie. She longed for another child, and she knew that he did, too, no matter what he said.

He wrapped his arms around her and drew her more fully into the contours of his body. He kissed her passionately as he began thrusting inside her again. A husky groan came from somewhere deep inside him, proving to Shirleen that he had been able to put all they had just discussed in the farthest recesses of his mind.

She would, too, for he had ways to make her mindless. Even now, she began to writhe in response to his fiercely passionate kiss. The power of his body made her long for more.

She was breathless, her eyes closed, as she clung to him. He plunged into her, withdrew, and plunged again. He rolled one of her nipples with his tongue, and then the other, all the while not missing one thrust inside her.

She clung to his rock hardness and wrapped her legs around his waist, becoming one with him in every way. She gave herself up to the wondrous rapture as his dark, stormy eyes gazed into hers. Again he kissed her with a fierce, possessive heat.

She buried her face next to his neck, mindless as waves of bliss flooded her senses.

Blue Thunder felt the warmth of rapture rising up inside him, spreading and swelling until it blotted out all other sensations.

He clung hard to her. He placed a hand beneath her chin and lifted her face so he could kiss her precious lips again while his hard, taut body continuously moved against hers.

“I cannot hold back any longer,” he whispered into her ear. “My mitawin, my woman . . .”

Shaken by desire, she clung to him and rode with him as her passion crested to match his. Then suddenly everything she had been feeling, the wondrousness of it, dissolved into a delicious tingling heat, spreading, searing her heart and very soul. She knew that he had found his own ultimate pleasure as his body rocked and swayed with hers, each new thrust inside her leaving them both in ecstasy.

“Again, my mitawin, again you have made me see that there is always something more that you give to me,” Blue Thunder said huskily as he braced himself on his elbows and gazed into her eyes. “You give me the most exquisite love each time we are together.”

“Then I have warmed you sufficiently after your swim in the icy river?” Shirleen asked, giggling softly as he gave her a mischievous gaze.

“I believe I need to be warmed just a bit more,” he said, brushing soft kisses across her lips. “Do you have more to give?”

“I shall show you how much,” Shirleen said, reaching for his manhood and cupping it within her warm hand.

She moved her hand on him, knowing that he loved for her to do this. When she did, he always got a burning look of desire in his eyes as the pleasure built within him.

He closed his eyes and let the passion fill him, then leaned up on an elbow and gave her a wicked look. He moved down her body and loved her with his tongue and mouth as he had the first time he had shown her this special way of making love.

She sighed with pleasure, closed her eyes, and slowly tossed her head from side to side as the passion built within her. Then he was over her again and his manhood was inside her.

She clung to him as he kissed her, and soon both were trembling with completion a second time as the ultimate pleasure was sought and reached.

Afterwards, they lay together beside the fire, their eyes closed. The ecstasy they had shared was unique and pure.

“I know we made a baby today,” Shirleen suddenly said, causing Blue Thunder’s eyes to open and look at her.

She turned on her side and giggled. “I feel it,” she murmured. “I just know that what we did today made a baby.”

He laughed, glad to see her so lighthearted and hopeful about the subject that usually pained her. He reached for her and held her against him. “I feel it, too,” he said, hoping that what they had both felt was true.