Page 49 of Savage Skies

Oh, good Lord above, she did not know what to do.

She had told her husband she would be there for him always. Yet she had promised Shirleen she would go and help rescue Megan.

She weighed both promises inside her heart and realized that the child must come first. She still had a long life ahead of her, whereas Speckled Fawn’s husband had had his life, a wonderful one as his people’s shaman.

Knowing what she must do, what her heart prompted her to do, Speckled Fawn stood quickly and went to Shirleen.

She took both of Shirleen’s hands in hers. “Will you sit with my husband while I am gone?” she asked, trying to hide her conflicting emotions. She did not want Shirleen to know just how difficult was this decision she had made.

She did not want Shirleen to think she would go to rescue Megan with only half a heart. Speckled Fawn wanted to look strong.

She wanted Shirleen to believe that soon she would see her daughter again!

Shirleen could hear the neighing of horses just outside the lodge. They belonged to the men who waited for their chief to depart for Fort Dennison.

Then she was keenly aware of voices talking softly, also outside the lodge.

She knew that the entire village had heard how Dancing Shadow had gone into a deep, silent sleep. The people of the Wind Band had come to pay their respects, if necessary.

She knew that everyone loved this old man and would do anything for him, as well as for his wife Speckled Fawn. They all knew how dutiful and loving she had been to him since their marriage.

Shirleen knew that while Speckled Fawn was away from the village, helping to rescue sweet Megan, she would not be alone while she sat at the elder’s side. The entire village would be there, just outside the lodge.

“I will sit with him and care for him while you are gone,” Shirleen said. She felt the strength in Speckled Fawn’s arms as she flung them around Shirleen’s neck, hugging her.

“Thank you,” Speckled Fawn murmured. She stepped away from Shirleen, but still held her hands. “Know this, Shirleen. I will do everything I can to rescue your daughter from that madman. And I know that it must be done in haste, for once that man is on the riverboat, there will be no way o

f stopping him. I cannot allow Megan to be lost to you forever.”

Shirleen hugged the other woman almost desperately. “I shall forever be grateful,” she sobbed. “Thank you, thank you.”

“We must go now,” Speckled Fawn said, stepping away from Shirleen.

She turned to Blue Thunder, who was now standing beside her husband’s bed. “I will be ready as soon as I give my husband a kiss and explain to him what I am going to do. Although he cannot hear me, he will understand. He would want me to leave, to help rescue a child. He has always loved children so much. He would have been a good father.”

“While serving his people as shaman, he never gave in to his desires to have a wife. His duties to his people always came first with him,” Blue Thunder said, going to her. “You gave him what he never had. You are a good woman, Speckled Fawn. I am sorry if I have made you uncomfortable at times. I know now what a very good woman you are. You were a perfect choice for my uncle.”

“You have no idea how I appreciate what you are saying,” Speckled Fawn said, wiping tears from her face. “I hope after we return from the fort that you will have another reason to think highly of me. I am determined to help get Megan away from that horrible man and bring her back to the loving arms of her mother.”

“We shall do that together,” Blue Thunder said fervently.

He stepped aside. “Speckled Fawn, say good-bye to your husband, for we must leave immediately.”

Then as Speckled Fawn knelt to speak to Dancing Shadow, Blue Thunder went to Shirleen and drew her into his gentle embrace.

“Do not despair while we are gone,” he whispered into her ear. “Soon you will have your daughter back with you. I promise you, my woman, that I will see to it.”

“I have no doubt that I will have Megan with me again, because I know the strength of your word, as well as Speckled Fawn’s,” Shirleen said. She clung almost desperately to this man who was going to be putting himself and his warriors into danger for her daughter’s sake.

She knew that he thought it wise to avoid fighting and confrontation with whites at all costs. The fact that he was risking everything for her and Megan touched her heart deeply.

She would not allow herself to feel guilty for having pulled this wonderful young chief into a possible confrontation with the cavalry.

But, how she dreaded the fact that her beloved would be riding into danger. “I will pray for you and Speckled Fawn and my daughter until your return,” she murmured.

She eased herself from his arms and turned to gaze down at Speckled Fawn, who was leaning over Dancing Shadow and giving him one last parting kiss.

Shirleen was deeply moved by the sight of the love that Speckled Fawn had for her elderly husband.