Page 41 of Savage Skies

From all that Blue Thunder now knew about the man, he had not abducted Megan out of love for her, but out of spite for the woman who was her mother. He had taken the child to retaliate against Shirleen’s plan to leave him.

Blue Thunder urged Proud Horse to finish his story quickly. He wanted to leave soon for the fort, to rescue the child before the man could board the riverboat.

From what Proud Horse told him, there was still time to get to the fort, because the riverboat was not expected to arrive until after one more sunrise.

Blue Thunder knew the spot where the riverboat landed, because he had been curious about this large canoe that traveled from place to place. He had gone more than once to watch it from a hidden place, where no whites would see him.

The riverboat had what were called “paddlewheels.” He’d been fascinated by how they turned constantly in the river, water dripping from them, churning and splashing into the huge wake that was left behind by the boat.

He had studied the people aboard the boats. He had seen that most were white pony soldiers, because he recognized their attire.

He had often also seen women and children with white men who wore no soldier attire. He knew that these were more settlers coming to this land that had once belonged solely to the red man.

At that time, Blue Thunder had resented them all.

But now?

He had found one white-skinned person that he would never resent, only love.

He looked over his shoulder at his warriors, who were already in their personal corrals behind their tepees, readying themselves for the journey to Fort Dennison.

Having waited long enough, perhaps even too long, since he knew Shirleen would want the news quickly, he brushed the entrance flap aside.

He stepped inside his lodge and found Speckled Fawn there talking to Shirleen.

Realizing that Speckled Fawn cared for Shirleen, he decided to include her in what he was about to reveal to the woman he now loved with every beat of his heart.

Soon he would reveal his feelings to Shirleen, just as soon as the child was rescued and brought to her mother.

He would not think otherwise.

Both Shirleen and Speckled Fawn looked up at Blue Thunder at the same moment. He continued to stand in the entrance, without coming farther into the lodge.

Shirleen’s heart skipped a beat, for she saw something in Blue Thunder’s expression that told her he had come there with news, and . . . surely it was news of her daughter.

As somber as he was, her heart now sank. Oh, surely, dear Lord, the news was about her beloved Megan and surely it was not good!

She rushed to her feet and went to stand directly before Blue Thunder.

She looked pleadingly into his eyes, yet she was now truly afraid to hear what he had to say.

If it was bad news about her daughter, if he was going to tell her that Megan was dead, she would want to die, too!

Seeing how distraught his silence was making Shirleen, realizing that he should not have hesitated before telling her the news, Blue Thunder gripped her softly by her shoulders and returned her steady gaze.

He did not smile, for he was not sure how Shirleen would receive the news.

She would be most definitely torn between conflicting feelings.

“News has been brought to me about a child,” Blue Thunder said, stiffening when Shirleen gasped and went suddenly pale.

“She is alive,” he rushed out, knowing that was the most important part of this news he had brought her.

He realized he had gone about telling her in the wrong way. He should have told her that Megan was alive the moment he stepped into the lodge.

But now he had to tell her the rest of it, and as he did this, he watched her eyes take on a different hue. And her cheeks suddenly bloomed with a flush that was surely caused by anger toward her husband.

“How could he have done this?” Shirleen cried as she gazed into Blue Thunder’s dark eyes. “Why didn’t I see signs that he was planning to take Megan away?”