Page 59 of Savage Hero

She would play up to the colonel and make him believe that she cared . . . that she even hated Indians because she now blamed all of them for the loss of her son, not only the renegades.

She knew that it would be hard to play such a role when she wanted nothing more than to leave and be with Brave Wolf.

But she would do anything to save him.

She would use the old tricks that women had used for thousands of years when they wanted something from a man.

When she heard the men talking as if they were ready to leave, Mary Beth hurr

ied back to the colonel’s office and sat down on a chair beside his desk. As the men filed out and saw her there, she gave them each a soft smile.

“Well, what have we here?” Colonel Downing said as he came and stood over Mary Beth. “Lonely, eh? You are getting tired of being in that cabin all alone?”

“Yes, something like that,” Mary Beth said, rising from the chair. She forced herself to reach a hand out, then twined her fingers through his. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.”

“You have?” Colonel Downing said, raising an eyebrow when he gazed down at their joined hands.

The fires in his loins flared hotter. It had been way too long since a woman had touched him. It had been way too long since a woman had gone to bed with him.

He smelled the familiar scent of his wife’s perfume on the dress and ached even now to hold her. But today there was a new lady in his life, and she was actually flirting with him.

“Yes, I’ve had a lot of time to think about things,” she murmured, playfully squeezing his hand. “As you know, I’m very upset about my son still being missing.” She forced a frown. “Because of that, I can’t help hating Indians. All of them, Colonel Downing. Every last one of them. I’d like nothing more than to forget about them and think only of you and what we can have together.”

She smiled at him. “I hope I haven’t mistaken your behavior toward me?” she murmured. “You do want to know me better, don’t you?”

“Yes, and please, call me William,” he said huskily, his eyes gleaming. “And what you just said? That pleases me a lot, for you see, I am quite smitten with you. I would definitely like to get to know you better.”

His words, his flirting gaze, disgusted Mary Beth, but she continued pretending just the opposite. “Then why aren’t you kissing me?” she murmured, everything within her hating the very thought of it.

But she must continue with this farce if she was to discover the full plot that was being mapped out against Brave Wolf.

“I’m so lonely,” she murmured. “I’m so sad that I may never see my David again. Will you help me? I need someone to console me.”

He whisked his arms around her and brought her hard against him. “Will I ever,” he said huskily, then kissed her as his body gyrated seductively against hers.

Realizing now just how hungry this man was for a woman, Mary Beth felt panic rising within her. What if she had started something that she could not stop? What if he forced himself on her now?

Mary Beth pressed her hands hard against his chest and managed to get him away from her.

“Sir, you are moving much too quickly for me,” she said, knowing that her face was red with a hot blush. “I am a decent woman. I’m sorry that I made you think otherwise.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, coughing nervously into his hand. “I got carried away. It’s just that you are so beautiful and you seemed to want what I want.”

“I do, but not all that quickly,” Mary Beth said. She took slow steps away from him. “Please realize that I was only recently widowed. I must show some respect for my late husband, must I not? Please understand that I do not want to rush into anything just yet. But I would so much enjoy your company until I feel it is alright to go farther than a kiss.”

“Then you shall have it,” Colonel Downing said, smiling from ear to ear. He stepped toward her, took one of her hands, then slightly bowed and gave her a gentlemanly kiss on her hand.

“I so admire you for being the lady that you have just presented yourself to be,” he said.

“You did not think I was too brazen as I flirted with you?” Mary Beth asked, easing her hand from his. “I am not used to such things as this. I . . . I . . . was married to my husband for so long. I never knew any man before him.”

“I shall honor your wishes,” Colonel Downing said. “May I request your presence tonight at my dining table? I am certain you are tired of eating alone in that cabin, am I right?”

“Yes, very,” Mary Beth said, forcing a soft laugh. “And, sir . . . I mean, William, I gladly accept your invitation. I shall wear one of the dresses that you brought me this morning.”

“That would please me so much,” he said, walking her to the door. He grabbed her by one hand and turned her to face him. “Something else. Why not move in to the spare bedroom here at my home? I have worried so much about you being out there all alone. I promise not to force the issue of . . . of . . . going farther with me until you say that you are ready. Then, Mary Beth, might you even consider marrying me? I can give you the world. I have a mansion in Boston. When I retire, I shall take you there. You will never want for a thing.”

Mary Beth was stunned by all that he was offering her.