Page 53 of Swift Horse

“My sister, nothing will be absolutely all right again until I have solved the problem of One Eye,” Swift Horse said, only loud enough for her to hear. “But do not worry yourself about it. In time I will have all of the answers I seek.”

Marsha stiffened when two warriors from One Eye’s village came and stood before Swift Horse, causing him to rise and gaze slowly from one to the other.

“Our chief sent word to you of his regrets for having not been able to attend the ceremony today,” Night Moon said. “He is not a well man. But he says he will be well soon and will come for council with you.”

“You say he is not a well man,” Swift Horse said guardedly. “What ails him?”

“He spoke from inside his cabin to us, so we did not see him,” Night Moon answered. “And he did not say. Why do you question such a thing?”

“I do not like to think that my friend is ill, and I hope it is not something serious,” Swift Horse said, lying. “Go back to him and give him my regards and tell him that I will want to meet him in private council, as we ofttimes do, when he is well enough to come to me.”

“Might you want to go to him?” Night Moon asked.

“If he is not well enough to attend today’s ceremony, he will not be well enough for friends to come and take him from his sickbed,” Swift Horse quickly responded. He placed a gentle hand on Night Moon’s shoulder. “Just go and tell him what I have said.”

Night Moon nodded, then rejoined his clan’s group and continued with the feast.

“And so he is too ill to attend the ceremony, is he?” Marsha said sarcastically.

Swift Horse said nothing, then smiled when a young brave came with a huge platter of food. “I am taking this to Abraham, if that is all right,” the brave said, his eyes dancing. “I talked to him earlier. He said he is too tired for such a vigorous celebration.”

“Yes, I know, but I am certain he will feel better soon,” Swift Horse said, having gone to check on Abraham earlier. He hated seeing just how long it was taking for the man to get stronger. But in time he would be as good as new.

“Then I can take him food?” the brave asked, his eyes wide. “I like to sit and talk with him and pet the fawn.”

Swift Horse patted the child’s head. “Yes, go and take the food,” he said. “You are a thoughtful brave, you are.”

Marsha smiled as the child ran from the huge house, then looked quickly over at Swift Horse as he took her plate from her hands, set it aside, and led her from the council house.

“Come with me,” he said. “My people no longer need me. They are enjoying the food and company of the other clans.”

Marsha smiled down at Edward James and Soft Wind, gave them a soft wave of good-bye, then went outside with Swift Horse.

He turned to her and gazed at her, the huge outdoor fire’s glow shining in his eyes. “I need you,” he said thickly.

She didn’t have to be told any more than that. She went with him to his cabin, and moved into his arms when the door was locked to everyone else.

“I have waited for this moment all day long,” he said huskily, then gave her a kiss that melted her insides.

When he lifted her into his arms, she placed her cheek on his chest as he took her to his bedroom and lay her gently on his bed of blankets.

She watched him undress as the fire cast dancing shadows all around him on the walls, on the ceilings, and then on his nakedness.

Chapter 30

Let knowledge grow from more to more,

But more of reverence in us dwell.

—Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The merriment and feasting momentarily forgotten, Swift Horse and Marsha lay together on his bed.

“When we are together, it is only us . . . no one else, nothing else,” Swift Horse said huskily as he gave Marsha an endearing look, the shine of the fire in her violet eyes. “You take me away from all wrongs. You make everything right again.”

“Without you, nothing would be right,” Marsha murmured. “My darling Swift Horse, make love with me. Bring the stars and the heavens all around us as a gentle embrace—as our haven.” Pleasure spread through Marsha when Swift Horse filled her with his heat and began slowly thrusting into her, his lips now on hers.

A raging hunger overcame Marsha as she clung to Swift Horse and tasted his lips. His hands eagerly and hungrily searched her body, and then cupped a breast and kneaded it until Marsha’s pleasure became intermingled with a sweet sort of pain.