Page 55 of Savage Beloved

She stood beside Proud Wind as Two Eagles went to his horse and removed the bag. He did not yet open it or offer its contents to Proud Wind.

Proud Wind gestured toward his entranceway. “Come inside and rest beside my fire with me,” he said, his eyes glancing anxiously now and then to the bag.

He held the entrance flap aside as Two Eagles and Candy went inside, then followed them in.

Candy was impressed by this chief’s lodge, as she had been by Two Eagles’s. All of the inside cover was painted with what looked like war exploits, and she was curious as to their meaing.

Was he a war chief while Two Eagles was not? Was that why Proud Wind’s father had been treated so inhumanely?

She was also impressed by his show of weapons, which stood against the buckskin covering at the far back of the teepee.

Soft-looking, colorful mats were spread across the floor, and close to the fire soft pelts lay in abundance.

And, just as she had seen no signs of a woman living in Two Eagles’s lodge when she had first entered it, she saw no such signs here. It seemed that this young chief had yet to find a woman he wanted to marry.

“Sit,” Proud Wind said, motioning with a hand toward the plush pelts. “It is good to have your company.”

Two Eagles smiled and nodded. Still holding the bag rigidly between his hands, he sat down. He rested the heavy bag on his lap as Candy sat down close beside him.

Proud Wind sat across the fire from them, his legs crossed, his hands resting on his knees. “I am sorry about Short Robe’s passing,” he said gently. “I remember him well from our youth. He was a masterful hunter who taught us many skills.”

Two Eagles smiled mischievously. “You were more of an astute student than I,” he said. “That is proved by which of us has a scar from carelessness on his face.”

Candy looked quickly at Proud Wind, realizing that it had been he who had been hunting that day with Two Eagles.

That proved just how old their friendship was. Perhaps that was why he had so easily accepted Two Eagles’s woman even though her skin was white.

She had to wonder, though, if he knew who her father was.

If not, how would his impression of her change once he learned the truth?

She sat rigidly still as they talked of old times at length. All the while Two Eagles held the bag steady on his lap, with Proud Wind casting it occasional, nervous glances.

Suddenly Proud Wind rose and came around to stand beside Two Eagles. His hand trembled as he reached out toward his friend. “It is time,” he said thickly.

Two Eagles rose slowly to his feet, his eyes wavering as he handed the bag over.

No one said anything as Proud Wind rested the bag on the floor, then slowly opened it.

Candy scarcely breathed as she watched Proud Wind reach inside the bag. She

was aware that Two Eagles was tense, too, because his own breathing was shallow as the jar, still wrapped in a maroon cloth, was lifted from the bag.

Chapter Twenty-three

Two souls with but a single thought,

Two hearts that beat as one.

—Frederick Halm

“Uncover it for me?” Proud Wind said as he gave Two Eagles a sorrowful glance.

“Are you certain . . . ?” Two Eagles asked, getting to his feet and then sinking on his haunches beside his friend.

“It must be done,” Proud Wind said. “Then I will place it where it belongs. My father will finally rest in peace.”

Candy could not watch. She turned her eyes away and closed them, but she heard the gasp of horror and knew that the head inside the jar had been revealed to Proud Wind. He let out a heartrending cry.