Page 70 of Savage Flames

She drew a ragged breath. “My love, oh, my love,” she cried as the heat of passion spread within her, her body growing even more feverish with this passion.

He paused for only a moment, so that he could look into her eyes. “My woman, you are so beautiful,” he said huskily. “Your body was made for loving.”

“And you are a master at loving,” Lavinia said ina flood of emotion. “You have awakened many pleasure points on my body that I never knew existed.”

“There are many, many more, but I will awaken only a few at a time,” he said, chuckling teasingly.

He kissed her again, his arms wrapped around her to draw her even more snugly into his embrace. And then he reached the peak of his pleasure. The euphoria that filled his entire being was almost more than he could bear.

He thrust into her one more time and she clung harder to him, moaning as she found her own paradise in her lover’s ar


She watched him roll away from her, his body so beautiful she wanted to kiss him all over.

But she knew they should not stay undressed for long, for he had chieftain duties to tend to, and the children could arrive at any moment with their prize. And his warriors could arrive home with their own catch of the day!

“Will it always be like this?” Lavinia asked, pulling the lovely dress over her head.

She reached for a brush that Moon Beam had given to her. It was nothing like any she had ever seen before. It was made from the stiff bristles of some animal. She didn’t want to know which, or she might not want to use it.

As it was, she didn’t have her own brush, or anything else, for that matter. She hoped to get a few of her belongings when she went with Wolf Dancer to the mansion tonight.

This was the time that the Sun God had told them about.

Tonight they would go and see that Hiram got his comeuppance.


She didn’t want to know. She just wanted it over with, and quickly.

She watched Wolf Dancer pull his breechclout on, covering that part of him that awakened so many luscious feelings within her.

She felt shameful for thinking such things, yet this was a new life, with new awakenings each day, it seemed!

“I’m a bit uneasy about what we are going to do tonight,” Lavinia said, her hair hanging neatly down her back.

“You do not have to go if you would feel better staying at home while I see to things,” Wolf Dancer said. He took her hands and gently pulled her up before him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and gazed into her eyes. “Would you rather stay here?”

“No, I’d better go with you. I need to see what happens with my own eyes, and also I would like to get some things from the house,” she said. “Dorey loves storybooks. I want to get some for her. She will enjoy reading to your people’s children. She can even teach them how to read. She taught Twila. Now Twila enjoys the books the same as Dorey.”

She paused, lowered her eyes, then gazed back up at Wolf Dancer. “And then there is mymother’s Bible,” she said, her voice breaking with emotion. “I brought it with me after my parents died. I feel she is with me when I hold it in my hands.”

“We shall get everything you want,” Wolf Dancer said, then stepped away from her and stood over the fire, gazing into its flames. “And then we will burn everything.”

Lavinia gasped. “Burn…everything…?” she asked, the sound of her voice bringing Wolf Dancer around to look into her eyes.

“That is what must be done to fulfill the command of the Sun God,” he said. “I talked with Shining Soul after you went to bed last night. He told me things that he did not share with you, for fear that you would not want to see it done.”

“But…to burn…?” she said, searching his eyes.

“Yes, burn,” he said thickly.

“The house is so big,” she said, swallowing hard. “There will be…. such savage flames.”

He nodded.

“What about the slaves?” she asked.