
“And I rewarded her when she stood still.”

Daddy's smile was so wide that it was splitting his face in half. As relief washed over me, he rubbed the front of my panties.

“My little girl isn't so little anymore. She needs more big girl things to do.” He paused to consider a thought in his head. “You're like her big sister now, so you'll have to teach her how to please me.”

Smitten, I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and squeezed.

“Oh, Daddy, really?! I'm so glad you're not mad. I was so afraid you would be disappointed in my decision because we were just having a little fun and I love having her around. She's my sister and I love her. I just wanted her to feel what I had felt before with you.”

My lengthy explanation was met with the same smile and a playful chuckle. He twirled a lock of my hair between his fingers, tugging at it every so often as I calmed down from my sudden excitement.

“As long as you show your sister how to act with me, you may do whatever you wish with her. You have my blessing.”

I smiled, happy that he would let me enjoy my sister. She was more than just my friend now, she was my companion. Since the other night, I had felt such a strong bond with her that I was fearful of losing it. When I kissed Daddy goodbye before leaving for my dorm, I had that same feeling. It was strange feeling so strongly while doing something dreadfully dirty with my sexual life, indulging in passions so sinful that they were titillating to the core. My insides lit aflame every time Daddy was inside me, and adding Lillian to the picture only made it ten times more erotic. I suddenly ached for him.

“Your semester will be over soon, right?”

I nodded.

“I'll have to get you a special treat.”

Before I could ask what it would be, Daddy planted his lips firmly on mine and drilled my mouth with his tongue. My elation overrode my curiosity and I sank into the cushions, cherishing the sweet taste of my Daddy in my mouth. He tickled my thighs with his fingers which elicited giggles, his fingers poking every orifice available. All of them belong to him. He's the only one, besides Lillian, who would be permitted to penetrate me. I didn't want anyone else. A rich, male celebrity could approach me tomorrow and offer me the world – I would still choose my Daddy. Every time.

As the semester came to a close, I finished up all my projects and started breaking down my dorm room to take home for the summer. I asked Lillian to drive over on the last day to help me pack, but she said she had something important to handle and that she would see me later in the next day. Admittedly, I was a bit disappointed and took a little longer to pack because I didn't have her by my side. Surely I could handle one day without her presence. Everything would be fine.

To kick off my summer break, I took three days off from work. All of those days would be dedicated to relaxation as well as to Daddy. It would be the perfect start to my vacation and a great way to celebrate my achievements. I had passed all my classes without a poor mark which I was incredibly proud of, especially because of how dedicated I had been to my studies while also maintaining a secret relationship with my Daddy and my sister. As I shoved books into boxes, I remembered Daddy saying he had a surprise for me. I wondered what it was.

My thoughts cycled through different scenes of exotic splendor, each one tickling my vulva and causing me to become aroused. I imagined being chained to a tree as his male friends all took turns on my body. I pictured us screwing in a corn field in the middle of the afternoon, potentially risking being discovered by anyone walking through. My naughtiest thought was to make love in my mother's bed and leave the sheets unwashed, smiling as she walks to bed unknowingly about to sleep in the stains of my juices.

I shivered.

Why was I tormenting myself with such thoughts? I wouldn't be home for another two hours and I was already wet with anticipation. I groaned with frustration, waving my arms wildly around to shake some of the flustered feelings out before having to pack up my car. My roommate had already left two days prior, so I could masturbate if I wanted to get rid of this feeling. It would help to be able to concentrate without this persistent tingle in my clit. If I held on to it too long, I might cum in the car while driving over a speed bump. I giggled at the thought.

My brief debate only caused more frustration and I huffed off to the bathroom to run a quick bath for my pleasure session. I came hard and fast in the warm water with enough time leftover to load up my car. I was glad everything fit without a fuss and went back upstairs to clean up the room. There wasn't a great mess to clean up. It was mostly just dirt and dust that had built up over the past few months. It wasn't long before I had turned in my room key, checked out, and collapsed into the driver's seat of my car. I was excited to head back home.

While shifting lanes and carefully obeying traffic laws, I reflected on the past year. I had discovered so many different kinks about myself that I had never known. I wasn't the same girl with silly dreams to be swept away by a prince. Now that I've tasted a king, I never wanted to go back to the land of peasants and knights. They were mere simpletons compared to the amazing brawn I got to hug and squeeze at home. Not only did he please me, but he was always around for me. When I failed a test a few months ago, he allowed me to cry in his lap because I was torn about it. He didn't spank me because I failed, but instead gave me a safe space to vent. What boy in my college world would be bothered to do such a thing? Such a college hunk would only be capable of text communication and wouldn't know how to handle emotions.

A boy simply wouldn't do.

I passed a bar boasting loud music and a fresh selection of university kids who were likely from the same place. I almost envied their carefree spirit, the joyful way in which they swayed with the music and raised their beers. In some ways, I was supposed to be with them. Tonight was about celebrating freedom from class and work, but instead I was heading home to my darkest fantasy. It made me feel more mature, like I had different responsibilities than these kids. I was indebted to my Daddy whom I wanted so desperately to please. I gave up my little girl activities to join the big leagues. It was better than senseless parties and ridiculous toying with ridiculous boys. My envy faded as I drove away, glancing at the rear view mirror to take one last look. Their lives seemed so much more complicated than mine even though I was the one engaging in kinky sex and obedience training.

The thought made me laugh. Half those boys would run at the sight of my toy chest. They wouldn't even know what to do with a gag if I told them. I drove on, confident in the decision I had made to stay inside my dream world instead of playing in reality. Dreams were so much more fun. You could do anything in dreams.

As I pulled up into the driveway, I wondered when I would be able to spend any time with my Daddy this weekend. Would he have room for this surprise while my mother was in the house? Was she even home right now? My brain ran amuck with all sorts of scenarios where we got caught or where we couldn't play because of her presence. I almost resented her, but I had to remind myself that I was the outsider here. This was their marriage.

But how could she be so selfish with him?

Chapter Six

What I appreciated most about Daddy was his dedication to us, to our relationship. It made me feel so incredibly special. The night I had gotten home was rather uneventful as I had nothing planned and wasn't feeling up to going anywhere. Any girl my age would have done something, maybe go to a bar, but I just wanted to be home and lounge around in my night dress while watching B-rated horror movies.

The next day proved to be a little more promising. I'm not sure how Daddy did it, but he m

anaged to get my mother out of the house right after lunch. Excitement grew in my belly as she left and he winked while I attempted to finish my food. I was sure he knew how difficult he made it to concentrate on anything, even a simple activity such as eating.

“Victoria,” Daddy suddenly appeared in the doorway, making me jump in my chair. “Could you run to the store for me really quick? I need a pack of cigarettes.”