“We are going out for dinner and you are totally welcome.” She emphasized “totally” with a roll of her eyes and smirked in my direction. “Brad really wants you to go.”

I could tell she was trying to hook me up. It wasn't that Brad was unattractive or weird or sometimes a little awkward – he had a perfectly symmetrical face, a decently built body, and the most genuine smile – but it was just how preoccupied I was with Daddy. I didn't want to disappoint him by going out with another guy. Then again, it was with a group, so it wasn't so much a date as it was a friendly gathering. I considered it.

“Well, let me make sure my folks don't have anything planned.”

“You mean your mom and her sexy husband?”


“What? He's mega hunk territory and you know it. I'd do some wild things to that dude.” She twirled her bubblegum with her index finger. “He wouldn't know what to do with all of me.”

My face flushed red and I hurriedly gathered more books to examine and shelve. I pushed the stepping stool out in front of the history section and started stacking books in different places, making sure to double check that they were in the appropriate areas.

“You have a crush on him, don't you?” I could feel Lillian teasing me with her eyes and her famous mischievous smirk.

I turned to look back at her with a stern, but playful gaze.

“Never in a million years, girl.” I said. “He's not even my type. He's covered in tattoos, he rides a Harley, and I think he smokes pot in the garage when mom falls asleep.”

“So? He's the perfect bad boy!” Lillian exclaimed.

I shook my head and went back to shelving whatever was left in my arms.

“Lillian, we're not in high school anymore. Those things aren't that impressive. I'm attracted to responsible men who have careers and goals, maybe even weekend hobbies. I don't have time for bad boy types.” I think I was trying to convince myself more than her that Daddy was just an irresponsible little man with that forbidden vibe that was all too attractive whenever I was sixteen. I'm nineteen now. I have priorities. Daddy is just a fantasy. He probably didn't even like me that way.

“I'm a responsible man with a career and goals.” Brad stated from my left.

Lillian and I laughed.

“Oh, come on. I'm the best clerk around here and I know everything there is to know about the paranormal. I'm a walking encyclopedia!” Brad stood in a superhero pose with his hands pressed firmly to his hips. “I'm a real man!”

“Okay, Mr. Real Man. We have some other crap to shelve over in the reference section. Let's get moving.” Lillian took Brad by the arm and started dragging him away while turning to wave teasingly in my direction. “Enjoy your bad boy daddy, Vic.”

My face turned hot again from embarrassment and I stepped down from the stepping stool. The cart was still halfway filled with books that needed to be sorted before closing. I had plenty of time. I just didn't want to be stuck with my own thoughts for that long. Maybe I should go out to dinner with Brad and Lillian even if it only distracts me temporarily from my awkward situation at home. I still couldn't figure out if Daddy was really checking me out this morning or if he was just trying to be fatherly towards me. I've never been a daddy's girl. I didn't have the experience to tell whether that's what he was doing or if it was entirely sexual. What about my mom?

I pulled my phone from my pocket to text my mother, asking if she had any big plans for dinner. When she asked why, I explained that Brad and Lillian had invited me to a diner nearby and that I wanted to see them before heading back to the dorm. She said it was fine and I put my phone back in my pocket where my hand lingered. Should I text Daddy, too? I wasn't positive I wanted this to be so formal and attached yet. I decided against the idea and went back to shelving books until we closed for the day.

Chapter Three

I didn't bother going home to change. I'm still not ready to encounter my parents yet. After I clocked out, Brad and Lillian rode with me in my car to the diner up the block that we'd been going to since middle school. We'd known each other for so long that I was upset when we didn't get accepted to the same university last year. It didn't make a difference because we worked in the same library and met every weekend for hikes, concerts, or beach trips. This dinner would have to count as our weekly gathering since I'd spent the night before with friends from college.

We arrived and chose the same booth we always sat in, and then made small talk as we waited for our server. Brad was filling us in on the newest otherworldly nonsense while Lillian interjected randomly to talk about someone's outfit or recent gossip. When I didn't make much of a peep, Lillian pointed it out.

“You know, you have been sort of off today.” I straightened my silverware on the small napkin that had been placed here when we sat down.

“I've just been so tired today. Sandy kept us out pretty late last night.” I explained meekly.

“Your new college friends sure like to party.” Lillian commented, rolling her gum again out of habit.

“Yeah, I think they were pretty sheltered growing up, so they're getting it all out now.”

Our server approached the table right as Lillian was about to speak and I thanked him with my eyes. We ordered our food, turned in our menus, and then went back to our meager conversation.

“Have you met anyone?” Lillian asked curiously while twirling a straw.

Brad perked up at the question and he met my gaze briefly before turning away to focus on something else.

“No, I haven't really had time to meet anyone else. Between studying, work, and spending time with you losers, I've been too preoccupied.” I smiled playfully as Lillian tossed the straw in my direction.