ng my food.

“He's your boss, you know.”

“He's your boss, too,” she pointed out rudely.

“You know I hate to participate in your petty office rumors. Don't involve me further. I wish to keep my life free of that drama,” I added quickly.

Defeated once again, Maura stood and left the break room in a huff, likely running off to find someone else to talk to about my mysterious date with Daddy. I stopped chewing suddenly. Daddy, I thought. It was the first time I had thought of him with his formal name. It overwhelmed me with bliss and I suddenly fell into a splendor of thoughts that was interrupted by another desk worker who was getting coffee. She politely said hello and then ran from the room, probably sent by Maura to spy on me. I was about done with the crap she was spitting and made a mental note to bring it up at the next meeting. If people couldn't keep their nose out of my shit, then I would make sure of it, I thought spitefully.

When lunch was over, I returned to my desk to file some paperwork before the end of the day. Daddy was in his office handling a client, waving viciously at his intercom and likely yelling beyond the soundproof glass. There was another party this weekend and it was only Monday, something that reminded me of how much I had become addicted and how quickly I had fallen. He looked dreamy even through the stressed appearance of his face. Every gesture was sexy and I found myself staring again. I shook my head and went back to work, hoping nobody had noticed.

The week passed rapidly and I found solace in the depth of my work, seeming to be more productive now that I was addressing Devon as Daddy in my head. He had truly become a fatherly figure to me, checking on me frequently and bringing me treats throughout the day when I had done a good job. I was rather familiar with the reinforcement techniques, but fell for it anyway, relishing all the attention he was giving me. I had taken home some of the chocolates he had brought me and popped them in my mouth before rubbing myself raw on the couch. I spread out his papers in front of me and stared at them, focusing on his name printed in bold letters while slipping my fingers inside my warm peach.

It was exhilarating to masturbate to his signature and I did this nearly every night until Friday when he told me to leave early and head for his condo where a surprise was waiting for me in the closet. Excitedly, I ran through the parking garage and hopped in my car to speed over to his place where I found the front door unlocked. Inside his room, I opened the closet doors to reveal a gorgeous pink dress outlined in glittering rhinestones. It was a mermaid dress and it looked absolutely stunning, the pink a perfect shade for my beautifully tanned skin. It matched my manicure that he had gotten me the previous week and I felt like the prettiest doll when I put it on.

Before Daddy got home, I showered and made sure I was neat and prepared for him and then pulled on the dress as he was walking through the door. The bedroom door creaked open and he whistled, saying his little girl looked all grown up in the beautiful new dress. I posed and smiled, feeling reborn in the skin I had just pulled on. He was going to turn me into a brat and I was loving it. As he pulled me up into his arms, he planted a kiss on my lips and asked me where I wanted to eat before heading to the party.

We ate at one of my favorite bistros, turning heads as we walked in the door and sat at one of the best booths available, a waiter pulling out my chair for me to sit down. I felt like such royalty that I blushed and fanned myself, knowing I was being adored by the people around us. He had kept his promise and made me a princess. I could feel it.

After finishing our delicious meal, Daddy led me by my gloved hand back to the front where we climbed into his shiny black car and zipped off to the mansion. I felt much more confident while exiting the vehicle, climbing the steps carefully as I held my sumptuous dress by the hem so I could walk. My chin was naturally elevated this time, reflecting the class that seemed to have seeped under my skin during the week. Perhaps it was belonging to him that made me feel so exceptional and I could tell that the other attendees noticed this as we entered the front of the mansion, their eyes lingering momentarily before drunkenly gazing elsewhere. We traded our lavish tickets for masks and started to head for the silk curtains when Daddy took my elbow and gently pulled me aside into a small, carpeted hall. The carpet was a maroon ocean covered in gold tinsel and it reminded me of my hair. The red ringlets came down in waves over my shoulders, outlining my face and matching my lips.

Daddy smoothed a lock of my hair behind my ear and smiled, stroking my cheek with his thumb. The motion made me blush under my mask and I smiled wide as he held up a small gift box wrapped in red paper. It shimmered in the light of the setting sun from the window, winking at me and inspiring a gasp. As I took it from his hands, I admired the wrapping and turned it over, trying to determine what might be hiding inside. Daddy playfully took my fingers and kissed them, encouraging me to open it and see what was waiting for me.

Excitedly, I tore the wrapping and dropped it to the floor, the shiny pieces landing in curled heaps on the velvety carpet. The dark box under the paper was quite simple, a neutral image I wasn't expecting to see. I pulled off the top and marveled at the silky interior that harbored a gorgeous gold collar with large letters printed around the front. The entirety of it was malleable, suitable for a small neck like mine that constantly needed to bend and turn. While admiring the shining spectacle in front of my eyes, Daddy pulled it from the box and held it up in the light, the letters glittering brightly as I read them together:


My fingers covered my lips and my chin, the joy of seeing such a gift overwhelming every bit of my body. He held it out to me, but I couldn't seem to get my hands to move to accept it. The gift box had fallen from my grip and was now in the midst of curled wrapping paper, the sound of everything else muffled under the sound of my blood rushing through my ears. Gently, Daddy pulled my hands from my face and placed a loving kiss upon my red lips, making me faint once more with his amiable touch.

“This is for my little princess,” he said, breaking the muffled rush of white noise in my ears. “This is a statement of your possession. You belong to me and only me. I am in charge of your orgasms and I will determine who plays with you.”

Gratefully, I adoringly outlined the cold metal letters and nodded, biting my lower lip as he had me turn about for him to wrap it around the supple skin of my neck. When he had fastened the collar in place, I leaned my head against his shoulder and smiled up at the ceiling high above us, savoring the glory of this moment and how it seemed set apart from everything else in the day. It was a delicious memory that would be a succulent treat to think of next week as I fervently masturbated to the thought of him barreling into my sweet tulip. Daddy ran his fingers up the length of my dress and cupped my breasts, squeezing them slightly before suggesting that we attend the party as he wished to ravish me publicly.

Feeling somewhat nervous about this new experience, I asked for half a pill of delight to help ease me into the performing mood. I knew once we were beyond those curtains that anything could happen, maybe even things I wouldn't dare repeat outside of these walls. It was such an exhilarating practice as I had no idea who those people might be. Perhaps I had served one of them in college during my time as a waitress or maybe I had run into them at a coffee shop and didn't give them a second glance. We were all equal here. That's what made the activity so attractive: no one would ever gossip because they didn't know who was who. I felt I had some immunity to do as I pleased.

Daddy broke me out of my thoughts by taking my hand and leading me back out towards the satin curtains that billowed elegantly about the entrance. They encircled us as the delight began to take effect, its tentacles enveloping my skin and dragging across the exposed bits. On the other side, the eruption of moans greeted us and I smiled as I looked around the room. Daddy pulled me between two vintage couches and introduced me to some friends of his who were hotly engulfed in the crevices of the other. I nodded to each of them before their lips disappeared between thighs and

muffled squeaks echoed from hidden lips. The sight of these two women so passionately attached was incredibly arousing and I found myself reaching for their twitching skin.

Daddy smacked my hand, warning me not to touch without asking. I turned to him and apologized profusely for my misbehavior, hoping he would reconsider and allow me to participate with the women on the couch. He said he had other plans for me tonight. In my mesmerized state, I hadn't noticed he had pulled an ottoman into the center of the room. He motioned for me to bend over the cushioned fabric and I obeyed, the room tilting slightly as I bent to rest my belly against the soft furniture. He wrapped a strap around my belly, pulling it tightly so the leather was digging into my back through my new dress. Another set of straps were wrapped around my wrists and pressed to the legs of the ottoman to keep me from moving. My curiosity had my head turning around and around as the figures gathered about me in hot anticipation of this arousing display.

The new girl, they whispered to each other, is about to get a sweet treat. We are envious of her position. Look how delicious that ass looks beneath the fabric. Can we have a go?

Hands reached out in admiration of my exposed rump as the hem of my dress was pulled up and tossed lazily over my shoulder, blocking some of my vision on my left side. An attendee approached me and placed a piece of rubber in my mouth, wrapping it around my head and latching it. It tasted strange and kept my jaw fixed open, feeling like one of those rubbers balls I used to use to play Jacks. My tongue lapped around the inside of it and made me cringe. It tasted so strange in my mouth. As I tried to turn my head around to see what Daddy might have been doing, a heavy sting met my bare bottom and I squealed into the rubber occupying my mouth. A roar of cheers erupted suddenly and I found the sting returning again, causing my thighs to vibrate beneath the weight of each blow.

Daddy was spanking me in front of the guests, caressing my bottom very lovingly between blows and then slamming his hand against my raw skin. He did this in succession a few more times and then invited others to take a whack at my sweet rump. Each invited guest gave me their hardest spank, likely the only time they would ever be allowed to touch the bottom that belongs to such a powerful figure. Their hands grazed over my swollen skin and some bent to kiss my fragile base, a comforting gesture that I fully appreciated even though I couldn't say my thanks out loud.

I bit further into the gag that occupied my mouth, the taste of its rubber causing me to cringe as much as the spanking. The pressure let up after a few more minutes and the rest of the group gathered on the couches in front of me to watch what else was in store. I was preparing myself for something incredibly painful, maybe a lashing, but all I felt were the strong and merciful hands of my Daddy stroking my delicious tulip. His fingers slid over the bud of my clit and down under the folds of the petals, delicately outlining the inner chamber and pushing inside to feel my sweet nectar release. My hips were rolling beneath his touch, feeling more and more aroused as he caressed my soft tulip. As my bottom rose and fell to the beat of his hand, my desire grew to feel his stem penetrate my folds. We would be complete in that moment and our garden would expand to the corners of the universe, unfolding over the beautiful green earth.

The moment the thought entered my mind, I felt Daddy run the head of his staff against my bud and I bucked in response, the elegant form of his cock a delightful reprieve from the spanking. He allowed his erection to cushion against my petals in an effort to tease me and I felt my fluids begin to gush around his rod. Once he was properly lubricated with my sumptuous nectar, he pressed between my lips and parted my warm tunnel for his entry. Endorphins flooded my body as soon as he was fully immersed and I bit into the ball in my mouth as I smiled uncontrollably. The crowd surrounding us gasped in awe of how receptive my rose was to his stem, our union a beautiful display of affection and trust. Daddy took my hips into his hands to steady himself as he began to rock against my thighs, his wand parting my petals repeatedly and stimulating my secret spot deep inside my warm chasm.

My head lolled side to side as his hips rolled into my thighs, their meeting causing a sting to rush through my entire bottom as the skin was still braised from being slapped. The pleasure combined with the pain was absolutely thrilling and I found myself moaning loudly into the rubber ball. The attendees watched my eyes roll up to the back of my head as the heat between Daddy's skin and mine grew to an unbearable force. He was slamming his rod deep into my rose, using his fingers to stimulate my delicate bud that was engorged with the thirst for his precious cream to decorate my lavish flower. The ottoman was rocking beneath my shuddering form as Daddy prodded me and I could feel my flower blossoming into a fully exposed rose, the petals expanding to accommodate for the coming rain.

As my soft petals parted once more, my saccharine nectar saturated his delectable wand and my pelvis exploded like plump clouds releasing its nourishing rains to the earth below. A bay erupted from my solar plexus like thunder, signaling that lightening had struck the soil underneath and had charged the earth with electrical pulses. My body felt much like the delicate ground being pummeled with the force of nature, all of her glory bursting from my tender form. Daddy sprayed my garden with his wonderfully soothing cream, the warm fluid dripping down my leaves to the soil below and cleansing my body. Cheers shattered the silence and I noticed the entire group clapping in unison at our wonderful display. The straps were removed immediately and I floated through the crowd to a familiar hallway.

Daddy was carrying me away to rest, laying kisses against my head as I gagged on the ball still occupying my mouth. After laying me upon a fluffy bed, he removed the obstruction and laid his lips upon mine in celebration of our joyous union. He whispered the most comforting phrases, running his hands over my sore bottom in an attempt to soothe the red skin. The happiness I felt permeate my body satisfied me beyond belief and I traced the mask on his face in admiration of his entire being. I could feel the love growing in my gut, but I didn't dare say it out loud. It was too soon to say it because I knew it might frighten him away. However, I knew it resided in the secret compartments of my heart and it patiently nestled itself into one of the empty rooms.

Before I could kiss my sweet Daddy again, a dark figure called for him from the doorway of the room. He turned to see who it was and then looked back at me lying on the bed, my red curls a mess about my face. He told me my radiant beauty was absolutely captivating, but that he must attend to some business.