low.” – With this, while still holding both of my arms, he leaned in and put his tongue in my butt first, after which he went down to my pussy. Daddy was licking me, sucking that sweet spot of mine and I was barely able to hold it together. I was trying to move, I was fidgeting, fighting to no avail. I was trying to cum, I was on the verge of a climax, but he simply wouldn’t let me.

All of a sudden, he stood up, picked me up by my arms and turned me to face him. We were both on the bed on our knees, facing each other. Me, barely able to catch my breath, him, with a deep desire in his eyes – something I hadn’t seen before.

As I leaned in to kiss him, he pushed me away: “I’m the one setting the rules here, Beth. You better obey.”

I nodded, as there was absolutely nothing I could do. He pushed me down, made me come eye to eye with his dick, something I was seeing for the first time. It looked enormous. It was hard and when I touched it, it felt as it was pulsating in my hand. I grabbed daddy and started going up and down with my hand, while staring into his eyes. He was looking at me and my hand, before stopping me: “You have to get it wet first, Beth. Be a good girl and put it in your mouth.”

I obliged. I was licking the tip at first, completely caught off guard as I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing.

“Good…that’s good…now, slide it in…suck it, Beth.”

And, I did. He tasted deliciously fresh, raw, manly, something I had not experienced before. I was really enjoying myself as I was sucking him off, watching his facial expressions while he was holding my head, pulling me in and out.

“Touch yourself.” – He whispered, as he was holding my head, and I removed my arms from his dick, while continuing to suck him off, and started rubbing myself. I couldn’t believe how wet I was, it almost felt embarrassing to be dripping in front of him! Daddy knew how much I wanted him.

“Good girl…you’re doing fine. Keep going.” – He said, leaning on the bed and opening his legs. I was laying in between his legs, touching myself and sucking my daddy’s dick. It felt hot, forbidden and arousing.

After a few minutes, he lifted my head: “That’s enough. Now, stand up and turn around. On all fours, please.”

And, I did. I felt a little weird for spreading out on all fours in front of him especially since I couldn’t see what he was doing. I felt his hands gliding through my body, all the way down to my pussy. Daddy pushed a finger inside and I screamed.

“Relax, Beth. Breathe.” – He was whispering, as I was trying not to scream. He was fingering me and I felt the wetness dripping. Soon after, he was just standing behind me with his fingers pointed, and I was leaning in and going back, all by myself. It felt amazing.

“You’re doing great, Beth. It’s time to see if you can handle it.”

I moaned in agreement as he came to me, opening me up and making me lean up front. I was with my arms and head on a pillow while my ass was up in the air. Then, I felt it.

Daddy took his member to my pussy and was rubbing it off me. It was the best sensation ever. I felt like I was on the verge to explode.

He pushed it in, slowly and I felt pain. I screamed, fidgeting to get away, trying to get out of bed, but daddy pushed me in, grabbing me by my midriff and holding me down.

“Not getting away now, Beth. It’s time. I’ve been polite enough so far.”

As he said this, he pushed his whole dick in me and I screamed and yelled and begged him to stop.

“Relax, Beth. Breath. Relax.” – He was saying as I was fighting for air.

After a few moments, the pain was gone. I started to feel his dick inside me, his hand on my clit, massaging, going in and out, and bringing me on the verge of an orgasm. I started moaning: “Yes, daddy, please don’t stop, please give it to me.”

“You’ve deserved it. You’ve been such a bad girl.”

“Punish me daddy, please fuck me hard!” – I was yelling, not able to figure out where those words were coming from. At that very moment, nothing mattered, except the utter pleasure he was giving me.

“You want hard?” – He asked, as I felt him pushing in one finger in my asshole. I felt full, too full, stuffed in all my holes, as he kept going, harder and harder.

“Please don’t stop!” – I yelled, I begged, as he kept fucking me. Daddy stopped. He stood up, leaving me on all fours on the bed. I was dripping, I was so close to cum, and I couldn’t believe he would leave me like this. I turned around and laid flat on my back, legs spread, reaching down to rub myself as he stood there, watching. Daddy was naked, hands on hips, inspecting what I was doing. The moment he realized I was getting too close, he removed my hands from my pussy, grabbed me by my feet and turned me on the side of the bed he was standing at. He was holding me by my ankles, taking my legs up high, landing them on his shoulders, while entering me again.

I was arching my back and moaning, louder and louder by the minute. It was excruciating, the whole ordeal was tiring and all I wanted was to please him and to cum. Daddy wouldn’t let me, though.

“Not yet.” – He leaned in and whispered.

“Please daddy, I beg you…please cum.”

“Not yet, I said!” – He yelled, as he continued to enter me while holding my legs on his shoulders. I was completely surrendered although eager to finally reach an orgasm. I realized daddy had intended to torture me, to get back at me for being a bad girl.

He pushed my legs away and climbed in the bed, lying on his back and spanking me gently: “Come on Beth. Time to ride daddy.”

“I don’t know how to. I’m tired.” – I whispered as he reached to me, grabbed me by my hands and helped me settle right on him. My hands were on his torso as his hands were on my hips, moving me up and down until I was able to understand what he was asking of me. Soon, we were holding hands as I was riding him, faster and faster, finally having the freedom to establish my own rhythm, a rhythm I knew was taking me straight to an orgasm.