I felt sarcasm in his voice and decided to ignore it. I wasn’t going to let anyone ruin this beautiful moment. I leaned in and whispered: “Very much.”

The second I turned to watch the event, I saw Daddy grab my mom’s hand, while she adoringly gazed into his eyes. For a split second, I was jealous as I felt I was the one that was supposed to be up there with him. I tried to chase away those evil thoughts, as I saw a trio of violinists show up. They started playing and their music only enhanced the romantic atmosphere around us.

“We are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman…” – The registrar started as I relaxed and decided to enjoy in the moment.

“Do you, Michael Jones, take Emma Hughes to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?”

After a moment of silence, Daddy looked towards my mom and whispered:

“I do.”

The crowed started cheering but decided to wait until the bride said “I do.”

The registrar, pleased with the answer, turned to my mom, asking the same question:

“Do you, Emma Hughes, take this man, Michael Jones, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honor and obey, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” – Whispered my mom, glaring at him adoringly.

“If there be anyone present who may show just and lawful cause why this couple may not be legally wed, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.” – The registrar announced and for a split second, I though he was looking straight at me. The question made me feel uncomfortable, and with Brian leaning in and whispering: “Don’t you want to say something?” it made me even more uncomfortable.

After a minute, they exchanged the rings. I barely remember the last part of the event as my head was already buzzing. I do remember everyone stood up and applauded for a very long time.

Chapter 6

After the ceremony, I stood by at the side watching mom dancing with my new Daddy. Actually, I was staring at him, not able to look away. The charisma of power and success combined with experience and physical beauty was making me droll. Just by looking at him, I was wet. I was imagining his hands up my skirt, his touch on my skin, his prickly beard on my face when Brian came and stood right next to me.

“I see you watching. I just don’t know why you stare at him that way.”

I was dragged away from my fantasy, painfully aware Brian was talking to me.

“What way? I wasn’t staring.”

Brian leaned in on me even more. I could smell his perfume, I felt his body weight on mine.

“Doesn’t matter little sis. As long as you pick me.” – He whispered, lowering his right hand on my ass, grabbing it with full force. No one that was in front of us knew what was happening. I wanted to move away and leave but I caught Daddy looking at us. From his look, I knew he was aware of what was happening and I knew he wasn’t pleased. I decided to play along, I wanted to make him jealous. So, I leaned

in even more on Brian’s hand, looking up and flirting with him.

“What do you want Brian?”

“You. Isn’t it obvious?” – He gushed, surprised by my reaction. With his other hand he was holding a glass of wine: “You want some?”

“I’m not legally allowed to drink.”

“You’re not legally allowed to be this hot either.”

I smiled and took the glass from him. As I was sipping, I saw Daddy staring at me. I knew he wasn’t happy by what he was seeing. I knew he was jealous. And, it made me feel good.

“Shall we dance?” – I asked as Brian took my hand and led me to the dance floor. He held me real tight as we danced and I was aware at the glances we got from the people around us. I was aware they were already whispering how the stepbrother and sister got too close. But, I didn’t care.

I relished his look. Daddy was staring at me with such intensity that made my toes curl again. I knew I was going to be punished for my actions as I just disobeyed him: I was not behaving as a good girl anymore.

As the party came to an end, it was mom, Brian, Daddy and I that were left on the balcony. Brian was clearly tipsy and I let him kiss me, without mom seeing us.

Daddy was staring at us: “Brian behave. Go to bed. Now.”

His voice was stern, stable and low, more like a growl than speech. It looked as if Brian sobered up the minute he heard his father talk and without saying a word, he left.