she certainly deserved love in her life.

The minute we walked in the restaurant, I saw him. Tall, blonde, gorgeous, perfect smile, broad shoulders, deep blue eyes… Maybe a year or two older than me. As I stepped into the restaurant, my breath was taken away.

“Oh honey, here we are.” – I heard my mom saying, as she was walking in HIS direction. I was so confused, I thought I’d faint.

“Hi, Brian! This is Elizabeth, my daughter. Is your dad here yet?” – Mom was blabbing, nervously.

The Greek god shook his hand and turned to me. As he approached me, I felt lightheaded.

“Hi, Beth. Mind if I call you Beth?”

“You can call me anything you want to.” – I thought, but instead of speaking, I just nodded.

“So, my dad and your mom. That makes you my step-sister, right?”

I blushed and nodded again. I was confused as Brian was still holding my hand. Then, it dawned on me: a step-sister? What?

“Hold on. What do you mean your step-sister?”

He smiled: “Oh, you don’t know? They are engaged. Your mom probably didn’t want you to find out until you met us.”

Unbelievable. She goes behind my back, finds another guy and wants to marry him again? I felt angry, really angry, all those mixed feelings were slowly combusting from within and I was running out of air.

“Let’s get you out of here. You need some fresh air,” he said to me as he grabbed my shoulder, tossing a look to my mom and nodding his head toward the front of the restaurant, signaling to her that we’d be right back.

We stepped outside and as I was breathing heavily, Brian stood next to me and lighted up a cigarette. “You know; your mom is a nice person. I’m happy for them. But then again, I will be off soon so it’ll all be on you, little sis.”

“It’s just…it’s too soon and it’s so…”

“Unexpected, I know. But, at least they are good together. You’ll see.” He said

“How are you so okay with this whole thing?” I asked.

Brian smiled and looked at me: “Who says I am?”

“Ah kids, there you are!” – Mom showed up, obviously out of breath: “Come on inside, our table is ready.”

As we went into the restaurant, I realized this was one of those high-end places. Very luxurious, all white decorations with beautiful flower arrangements on the tables. The waiter escorted us to our table where my mom’s new boyfriend was already seated.

“Michael, this is Elizabeth.” – My mom said, sounding like a squeaky teenager. As I approached the table, I saw what the fuss was all about. The man: tall, greyish hair, deep, dark blue eyes, stood up and walked up to me. As he extended his hand for a handshake, I felt weak in the knees. It wasn’t the normal weakness, the one you feel when a hot guy approaches you, it was a weakness that basically put me down on my knees, a weakness that wanted to show him I’ll oblige to anything he asks for.

“Beth, nice to meet you, finally. I’ve heard so much about you.” – As we shook hands, I couldn’t help but sink into his eyes, a feeling that made me blatantly uncomfortable, as if the handshake was something forbidden, something mom shouldn’t have seen. As that thought passed through my mind, I blushed. The heat that spread through my face made me even more uncomfortable. At that point, I realized I was still holding his hand and staring into his eyes, without uttering a single word. My mom, noticing my uncomfortableness, cleared her throat: “Beth, are you okay?”

I looked down, breaking eye contact, trying to acclimate and to hide my attraction to this man that was supposed to be my new father.

“Nice to meet you too…” – I whispered as I continued to take my seat.

“Michael. My name is Michael. But, you can call me Mike…or daddy.” – He spoke, with a voice so deep it made my toes curl.

The table we were seated at was beautiful. Four chairs only, a private affair, and it seemed that the waiters were told not to bother us. Appetizers and drinks were already served, and by the gesticulations of my mom’s new boyfriend, I could tell he was the one doing the whole thing. He simply oozed of confidence and strength, something I had forgotten how it looks. I could easily see women being attracted to this man as moths to flame. After all, he really was a flame, a type of flame I haven’t seen before. I was seating between my mom and Brian and Mike was seating right across me. I saw him looking, giving me the same look from a little while ago. Suddenly, it didn’t feel uncomfortable. Suddenly, all I wanted was his eyes on me, forever.

“So, sweetheart, the reason we are here tonight is because I have something important to tell you.” – Mom started, reaching out to Mike and grabbing his hand. As I saw the two holding hands on the table, I felt jealous….and I didn’t know why, exactly. I took a deep breath and I turned to face her: “Go on, mom.”

I saw her squeezing his hand, looking at him and smiling, before she turned back to me: “Michael and I are engaged.”

She said this so ever softly, with a tone of satisfaction in her voice I haven’t heard before. I remained calm and seated, looking at my glass of water in front of me, slowly nodding my head. As if I was trying to act that I didn’t know anything and I was slowly absorbing the news.

Brian leaned in and put his hand on my shoulder: “Welcome to the family, little sister!” – He exclaimed, quite loudly, taking his glass and proposing a toast. I followed his lead, as I was taken aback, not by the engagement, but by the effect Daddy has on me. This would take a while to get used to, I thought as I sat back and let mom talk about the wedding.