I’m scared, so please make it go away. I wanted to cry. This thought came running to the surface any time someone stepped to close, trailing their fingers along the delicate vein in my neck. One man put his fingers inside of me, pushing into my wet, damp pussy with two fingers. A few quick thrusts of those fingers and he left me aching, staring at my master hoping he’d bring me to climax, but nothing happened.

You’ve become so important to me. I panicked when left alone too long with nothing to think about. It wasn’t that I was upset that no one was touching me. no, my nipples ached from the last man whose fingernails dug in to my delicate flesh as my Master pretended to look away, watching me out of the corner of his eye. No, I panicked because I wasn’t sure I ever told him these simple things. It seemed so obvious to me, but even thinking about voicing it made me fight back a blush. For some reason, it wasn’t something I could ever bring myself to change. I hoped I could in the future.

I’m not sure I could imagine life without you. The thought came when Damon walked away. It was the first time he had walked away from me the entire time. I had thought that he’d be by my side until we were able to go home, but thinking about it, I knew how silly that sounded. There was no way that my Master could do nothing besides watch over me. It was absurd to think so, but when I saw someone approaching, I nearly took a step back before I remembered myself. He had blonde hair and hazel eyes. I wouldn’t have thought anything of him I was passing him on the streets.

Before, I might have even thought he was handsome, but he was young. He couldn’t have been older than twenty-five. I couldn’t help but to wander what he was doing here, but I reminded myself it wasn’t my business. My eyes darted quickly around the room without moving my head, wondering where my master was, and yet he was nowhere to be seen. The man came up to me and he grabbed chain, pulling me towards him. I nearly recoiled, but not before falling a step out of position. If I could have turned my head, I would have, but catching myself was harder than expected. I hoped I wouldn’t fall. I had no hands to catch myself with if I did. The man smirked.

I hadn’t been touched much, and I knew now that it was only that way because Damon had stayed close to me. Now, he wasn’t here. My Master had left me, but I refused to think that he had abandoned me. No, I knew he would come back. What if this man bought you? What if that’s why he didn’t come back? Does he even care? Did he sell you and not even look back? The voice in my head taunted me, but I fought down my panic as best as I could. I didn’t speak any of the things I was thinking. I knew I wasn’t allowed to. I just looked at him. I tried to look right through him, but he had a predatory gaze that wouldn’t seem to let go of my own.

“Hmm. No talking?” He said, and his fingers tightened on the chain, tugging gently and teasingly with a coy smile on his lips. He had spoken slowly and deliberately, as if knowing I couldn’t hear a thing.

I knew that other slaves could hear, and so I wondered how long this man had been watching me to know such a thing. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I wanted to tell him off, and yet I knew better. I knew that it’d do no good at all. Still I remained silent, but I wanted to scream out for Damon to come to my rescue.

His fingers went to my nipple, but he didn’t let his fingernails dig in. his fingers played down my stomach, and glancing down I could see that his rather large cock was hard, and I took solace in the fact that I had seen no slave used so openly so far, but I did see a few get taken off. I could only imagine what happened to them. Some came back with bruises, one with a bloody nose, and some seemed just fine.

I looked at this man, and I knew that despite the smile playing on his lips, if he took me anywhere out of the public eye, I would not come back just fine. His fingers found their way to my clit, pinching the already pressed, overly sensitive nub until I was forced to cry out. Tears pricked at my eyes. Damon had told me to stay silent. I had broken an order, and my heart was pounding.

I was nearly shaking, but the man before me seemed to feel satisfied with himself. Too bad he wasn’t the man that I was worried about pleasing. He tried again, but I was silent. The man frowned, and before I knew what happened, he had one finger and then two pushing in and out of me. I couldn’t hide the look on my face, but I held my tongue between my teeth, trying not to make another sound without permission. Not for this man. He wasn’t worth Damon’s anger.

He wasn’t even worth disappointing him. No one was, and that’s when Damon came into view. I couldn’t hear what he was saying to the man, but the man was angry. His fingers left me. I was sure that if I could hear, I would have heard shouting, but Damon just looked at him with a cool, calculating expression. To anyone else, he would have seen passive, as if he didn’t care. To me, I could tell that he was anger. I had seen that cold anger burn in his eyes before, but this time I was glad that it wasn’t directed at me.

He looked at me only for a brief moment before assessing that I was fine before turning away. I knew that it wasn’t because he didn’t care, but it still hurt to be dismissed so quickly. It just didn’t cut as deep as I thought it would. Damon was protecting me, and that thought was an override for anything else. Soon enough, the man left, and once again I was put back into position. I knew by his touch that Damon wouldn’t have me here much longer.

I love you. It resonated within me so clearly that I was sure I was going to burst. I wasn’t sure before, but now I was. I really loved my Master, and that’s why even if he gave me the chance to walk away, I wouldn’t. Not now. Not ever. I thought and a small smile threatened to tug at the corner of my lips before I pushed it away. I remember what he told me. I had to look trained. I had to look nearly emotionless, and yet it called for a discipline I feared I did not have.

A Reminder in Self Discipline

It was the way that Alice looked at me. She was so trusting, as if nothing could stop us or pull us apart. I dare say that it was love if I didn’t know any better, but I tried to push the thoughts away. There was no way that she could really love me, but I didn’t need that. All I needed to do was protect her, and that’s exactly what I had done. Lord Davin had royal lineage, but that didn’t matter to me. I knew that he was a valuable client rationally, but I also knew that I couldn’t just let people treat my slaves like that if I was going to sell them at any respectful price in the long term.

It was a conflicting situation with no right answer, and so I had listened to the reasoning that suited me best at the time. I couldn’t allow it because it was bad for long term business, and yet I knew that I wasn’t allowing it for another reason. Alice was that other reason. I couldn’t tell myself that I would have made the same decision if it was any other slave I had trained in the past or would in the future, but all I knew is that I was going to protect her now, and so the decision was made.

There was no going back. I watched him storm away, and I was thankful that I was not visibly showing the anger that I was sure that Alice of all people could feel radiating off of me. As I looked into those baby blue eyes, I could see that she was scared, and well she should be. It turned me on to see that small level of fear in her eyes mixing with adoration that made me twitch in my pants. Once again, I was overtaken with the desire to bend her over right there in front of everyone and take her.

To show them all that she was mine, and that she was just a sample of what I could do. That her obedience would show that I could turn even the most spirited girl into the perfect slave, but this slave would never be anyone else’s. Yet, I knew that wasn’t how to win clients, and I wanted to walk out of here with her and a future in the business. I gave her a small, tight smile when I thought no one was looking, and she seemed to relax. I don’t know how someone I had already known so intimately could appear so innocent still, but she did, and I ached for her even more for that very reason.

Hours had passed, and I refused to meet her eyes during that time. I wouldn’t have the self-control I needed if I did. I would succumb to the one thing that I couldn’t in front of all of these people. They exploited any weakness that anyone had. It was time for the auction, or at least it would be in a few hours. Now, everyone decided to get food, and so I took Alice out of her position. Her eyes refocused on me, and that startled fear turned into something else. Something I couldn’t put a name on. I took out her ear buds. I unfastened her gag as well, placing it in my pocket.

“It’s time to go, Alice.” I said softly, using her name to make her shiver. I loved the way it raised goosebumps on her flesh. My cock couldn’t get any harder. We wouldn’t make it past the preparation room.

“Yes, Master.” She said, licking her lips as she looked up at me with eager eyes.

“Everything stays on until we get to the room.” I said. I knew that I didn’t have to leave it on.

Many people were actually taking it off, but I wanted to see her in it for a little while longer. Alice didn’t question it, and I couldn’t stop myself from taking a little pride in that as she bowed her head as we walked to the preparation room once more. I could feel the same amount of anticipation for what was to come rolling off of her as I had. I had wanted her all day, and I was about to show my slave exactly why I was her Master and no one else ever would be. The only thing I removed was her posture collar, to which she took a deep breath. I’m sure it was a relief since she had never worn one before, but I wasn’t planning to give her too much time to think about it.

When we got to the room, the door barely closed and I pushed her towards the only chair that was in there. I made her bend over, nearly falling as I grabbed her hips. She made no sound other than a small moan that escaped her lips before she could suppress it, but it only made me ache more for her. Her ass was now in the air, and I reached around to play with her nipples. I hated the fact that so many men had already touched what was mine, and so I grabbed them harder, eliciting a moan of both pain and pleasure from her.

“You’re mine, Alice. My slave. I am your Master. Forever and always, and there isn’t a thing in this world that will change it.” I said in a clear, even voice, whispering it in her ear as a shiver ran violently through her. She subtly pushed her ass up a little higher, as if begging for me to take her. My fingers found its way to her hair, yanking her head back by it.

“Tell me who you belong to, slave.” I said in a hushed whisper, and I could tell she was biting her lip to not cry out too loudly.

“You, Master. Always you.” She said. I could tell by her tone, Alice was more breathless than I had imagined. I freed my cock with one hand as I continued to pinch and roll her nipple in my other.

“Good. I’m going to make sure that you forget about every man that touched you today, Alice. You’re mine, and I won’t ever let you forget that.” I said, and my cock was pressed to the entrance of her pussy. It was no surprise to find out that she was dripping already.

I pulled on the chain almost hard enough to pull off the clamps as I pushed into her all the way in a single thrust. She struggled to stretch around me at the quick entry, and she bucked her hips, as if unsure if she wanted to get away or push back against me, begging for more. I was thrusting in and out fast and hard, pulling out so that only the tip was still inside of her with each thrust. Her muscles clamped onto me, as if trying to keep me from pulling out entirely, and I knew that I wouldn’t last long. We didn’t have long, but I didn’t want to think about that right now.

Leaning over her, I pulled her up, starting to grope her entire breast as I continued to pound into her, slowing down only when I thought that she was about to come. Everything about Alice was mine from her orgasms to her very life. I owned her, and I wanted to drive that point home with each thrust, teasing or otherwise. I released her breast, going to her throat. I had denied her release at least three times already, and I pulled out. My fingers pressed on her throat, causing a small gasp, but I didn’t squeeze. Not yet.