I casually walked in humming. To my not-so-shocked surprise, they both jump apart very quickly as if they were caught doing something wrong. This single act confirmed that it wasn’t only Ethan seducing, but mom wanted to be seduced. Of course, I played it cool. At least as much as I could, considering that my heart was beating out of my chest, as I writhed with anger and suspicion. Yet I acted as I hadn't even caught of hint, nor noticed them jumping when I walked in. I simply asked what’s for dinner and once I got my answer, I walked up to mom, kissed her on the cheeck and I left the kitchen.

At diner, Ethan was pouring extra wine to mom, and she was drinking it. All of it. I had never seen her drink that way and I wasn’t sure if he was thinking he was getting her drunk or she had simply decided to let him get her drunk. Anyway, dinner was awkward, to say the least, although mom played it as cool as possible. She simply acted as if nothing was happing and the good daughter that I was, I acted like I believed her. I kept looking at each of them across the table. One, then back at the other. I kept saying to myself that there was no way this was even happening. Ethan did not have enough balls to try what I thought he was up to, not to mention mom. Mom was head over heels for daddy, and there was no way in hell she'd even contemplate anything with Ethan. I mean, how could she? Or...would she?

After a while, mom excused herself as she was already tipsy and her face was blushed. She had to lay down and I understood that, being a bit relieved that mom didn’t actually do anything except for flirt. As she stood up, she turned to Ethan speaking as softly as possible: “Ethan dear, thank you so much for this beautiful day. I really enjoyed spending time with you. You are the spitting image of your father, inside and out. And I'm glad to have you in our little family."

As she was leaving the dining room, I saw the glow in Ethan’s eyes and I knew instinctively he had other plans.

"That little bastard"- I said under my breath.

As we finished our meal and went to our rooms

, I took a shower and didn’t even try to seduce Ethan, considering how annoyed I was. I was thinking about his actions concerning mom and I wasn’t sure just where exactly was he going with this. As I went to sleep, I had a restless dream, constantly tossing and turning, until around about 2am when I opened my eyes, and heard a strange sound. In a sleepy haze, I heard panting and moaning coming from what seemed to be outside. Passionate cries of desire and despair filled the hallway and my eardrums. Was someone crying? I laid in bed for a while thinking it was my imagination or maybe the television downstairs was left on, that was making those intense sounds. Only after I was fully awake, I realized the sounds were coming from down the hall. I stood up, a bit giddy because that meant that daddy had returned from his business trip a day early. I thought about it for a little while, but my inside nymphomaniac got the best of me: I decided I’d walk up to their bedroom to watch them fuck one more time. After all, I’ve had really good orgasms listening and watching them, so what’s another one?

I walked down the hall and towards their bedroom. The door was opened, slightly ajar, as if someone opened it intentionally. I hid in the corner and decided to kneel and take a peak, trying not to be seen, of course. As I poked my head in, I was surprised: daddy wasn’t back from his business trip it all! It was Ethan, my stepbrother, fucking my mom! Mom was blindfolded and she was grabbing her ankles, moaning uncontrollably. I’ve never heard her moan that way. Ethan was behind her, fucking her doggy-style, spanking her with each thrust, going harder and harder… Just by looking at his face, I was already wet. I wanted him, I wanted Ethan to come back and fuck me harder and better as he used to. I sat down at the floor, fully aware that he saw me. Thankfully, mom was blindfolded. I sat in front of him, spreading my legs full wide, staring into his eyes while touching myself. Anger and sheer lust swirled inside me simultaneously. I was overcome with pleasure, seething anger, yet dripping....soaking wet in arousal. I had never felt such extremes before. Not even when I walked in on Daddy, Ethan and Ann. I needed this. It was the most savage, the most wild, the most prohibited sort of sex I’ve ever seen. Ethan saw me, he smiled and simply continued to fuck my mom even harder, saying: “Does he fuck you like this huh? Answer me!”

I was rubbing my pussy as hard as I could, hearing his voice and then hearing my mom beg him not to stop. Ethan repeated his question a few more times before he finally heard what he wanted: “No! You are better! Please fuck me, don’t stop!” – My mom said, as I finally was able to cum. I stood up and left the room, leaving Ethan to his own finale.

As I clasped the door knob to my room, my heart still racing, and my legs still quivering from my erotic release, I whispered to myself -"Pandora's Box...Wide Open."


Say Yes To Daddy

Chapter One

His skin was the color of wheat-bronze, which wasn’t a way I'd ever described anything before. Actually, most people didn’t strike me as anything worthy of looking at so intently, especially not at the gym. But I watched him. I was transfixed by the sheer flawlessness of the man before me. I could see beads of perspiration dotting his flesh. Sweat moisture studding across the small specs of hair that lay sparse across his chiseled upper body. I knew I was staring, but I couldn’t seem to turn my gaze away. I was mercilessly enraptured by the way his body almost seemed to shimmer. It was uncanny the way the light bounced off his flesh. My mouth watered, as I imagined tracing the tip of my tongue along the outline of his solid, firm pecs, savoring the salty dew in my mouth, warmed by the smoldering heat coiled within him. Like wisps of mist vaporizing on scorched pavement, his body glinted, fueling the fire starting between my thighs. I took stock of the man; he looked like a god through my eyes. He was tall, dark, perfect skin, muscular, lean bodied. He was regal and svelte with every movement he made, no matter how slight it was, yet the air of dominance he exuded screamed to be not only heard, but obeyed.

Onlookers and passerby’s melted into my periphery as I continued gawking at him. Though not taking anything away from myself, with regard to physical comparison; my curvy hips and breasts, which tapering perfectly into a tiny waist, made me no stranger to male attention, yet all of that put together paled in comparison to the perfect specimen of the man before me. No one else could compete.

* * *

He was pumping iron in the gym that I visited every day, and yet here I was sure that I had never seen the man before. Surely, if I had seen him, I never would have forgotten him.

He wasn’t even the type of man that I usually went for, I thought to myself, as I continued to watch him pump iron. I visited this gym almost every day over the past year, yet had either never seen or noticed him. He must me new I assured myself, because there was no way in hell I’d have not noticed him.

“Hey, are you done with the stepper?” I heard someone say, from what seemed a far off place.

“Hey, Cinderella! Are you gonna move or what?” The voice said again, a bit more harshly.

Mortified at just how long I apparently had been standing there, like a plum idiot staring across the room, not realizing someone was waiting their turn on the elliptical, I replied “Oh, yeah…oh, sorry. It’s all yours”.

Several people having overheard the quirky exchange, looked over in our direction. Flushed with slight embarrassment, I only hoped that Mr. Greek-God hadn’t heard or noticed how intensely he’d been the cause of my temporary impairment. Yet another part of me simply wished a guy like him would actually see me.

As if he had read my thoughts, his head turned in my direction and I found myself staring right into his deep, dark eyes. Even his eyes were more intense than I thought any man’s could be. “God he’s fucking gorgeous” I thought, practically swooning.

“Did he just friggen’ wink at me?” – A spurt of panic peaked within me.

I squinted my eyes as I looked at him, as if that would somehow clarify what was sure to have been my imagination. Pausing mid bicep-curled, he flashed the pearliest set of whites I’d ever seen; like he belonged in a Colgate commercial or something. His smile was genuine, yet coy.

There was no doubt I must have looked like a love-struck schoolgirl staring back at him, barely forcing a returned smile, my face beat read with bewilderment. Despite my awkward reaction to his acknowledgment of my existence on the planet, “I needed to know him”, I vowed to myself, breaking his gaze and assessment of me. Though it sounded silly, I felt like suddenly my fate was altered in one simple smile. It was as if he had cast a net, and I’d not even attempted to move to get out from underneath it. I had stood there, dumb-struck in the same fashion that any man would have been if they’d crossed the path of a siren or angel. I could feel myself grabbing my bag, toweling the machine down as if on auto piolet and moving over to go see him. Look, don’t get me wrong, I don’t make it a habit of approaching men first, nor do I normally even have the courage to do so when given the opportunity, without it looking like a blatant come-on. But if you’ve ever been to a gym like mine before, it was basically first-come-first-serve, if not an outright free-for-all meat market. And I’m sure I hadn’t been the only estrogen in the building intoxicated by the testosterone he wafted. It was now or never, I whispered to myself, as my feet continued to float in his direction.

His eyes never left mine, as he continued doing reps, drinking in my every curve.

“Hey.” I said, and I had never sounded more demure than I had in that very moment. I felt completely vulnerable, but who on earth wouldn’t feel a bit inadequate and shy in comparison to such perfection, regardless of how outwardly confident they looked? That was me at the moment; a walking, talking ball of contradictions.

“Hello…” He said, and I felt compelled to say my name.

“Ca-Carlie.” I stammered, and he smiled.