“Good girl,” he said while panting. “A very good girl. I'll have to reward you.”

I smiled and thanked him in the way I'd become accustomed and started to stand when I heard the front door slam. Daddy and I stared at each other, frozen in our places. Cum decorated my face and his pants were on the floor. I heard my mother's voice coming up the hall, explaining she had forgotten something important like her ID or her money or her tampons or something really stupid that completely destroyed the moment we were having. Her voice neared my door and I panicked, attempting to come up with an explanation or even picturing escape plans.

But her voice faded. She went back up the hall. The door closed. Silence followed.

Daddy stroked my face with his free hand and wiped some cum from my lips.

“My dirty secret,” he whispered. “You're my dirty little secret.”


Tutor Me Too Daddy

Chapter One

I'm his dirty little secret.

Daddy told me that right before pummeling me to pieces on my bed. We had just barely escaped being discovered by my mother and the exhilaration lasted through the evening. After we finished our little play session, Daddy left me on the bed and walked to the bathroom. I heard water running in the tub. Curious, I stood from the bed and walked across the hall to see what he was doing.

“No peeking,” he said playfully as he pushed me back towards my room.

“You've been so good tonight. Don't give me a reason to punish you.”

I giggled and crawled back on to my bed, wrapping myself up in the soft comforter and hugging my bear like a good girl. I felt a bit childish around my Daddy. He was so built and tan, his tattoos decorating every inch of muscle that existed beneath his clothes. I gripped my bear thinking about how they tensed up every time he came and goose-bumps rippled across my torso. Another few minutes passed and Daddy appeared again to lift me from the bed. He carried me to the bathroom and gently placed me in the tub where he deliberately washed every bit of my body and even teased me a little.

“Why are you bathing me?” I asked while twirling bubbles around my finger.

“Every good girl deserves a treat. You've pleased me so well this past week that I wanted to give you something. Daddy can be sweet when he wants.” He winked and I blushed.

There was something absolutely magical between us then. I remember when my fantasy was merely wet dreams and hushed rub sessions hidden in the shower. Now it was a reality where my own Daddy was bathing me because I was being good. I didn't realize this could be so amazingly beautiful while also remaining intensely erotic. He slid the wash cloth over my skin again and I shivered, huddling down further into the water for warmth. Daddy took that as a signal that the bath was over and started draining the tub.

When the water was mostly gone, he lifted me and laid me out on the bed where he dried me and helped me dress for the evening. He picked out a pair of blue panties and a pink night dress that stopped at my thighs for “easy access later on,” as he described it. The comment made me blush. I was sure we wouldn't be able to do anything else tonight, but knowing he was nearby was a comfort. I couldn't reach out whenever I wanted to, but I'd still know he was there to watch me and think about me.


hungry, I picked at the dinner that was left in the stove and sat on the couch to watch a movie. Daddy sat next to me, lifting my legs to be placed in his lap so he could rub and squeeze them. I felt like a princess being protected by her king. I wanted to mention it, but I was afraid to ruin the moment. I stared at him instead. Daddy noticed me looking at him and turned to look back, the motion making me nervous enough to turn away and focus on the TV again. He chuckled softly and patted my thigh as if to say it was okay. We didn't talk often, but I knew we had something.

After all, I'm his princess and he's my king.

Work was rather busy this morning as we had a number of events scheduled in different areas of the library. There was a puppet show, an author signing, a new book release, and a number of meetings. Several times a month, our conference room would be rented out to corporations for their meetings. I'd watch them walk by in black pinstripe suits with shiny briefcases and expensive tablets. It must be nice living such a lavish business life.

I sorted some paperwork at the checkout desk and handled a few customers before Brad came to relieve me for my break. After catching up a bit – things were still pretty awkward after the erotic book fiasco – I headed for the break room and sat with my lunch. Lillian walked in shortly after I started eating, grabbed a bag from the fridge, and then sat down next to me. She sank her teeth into her sandwich and chewed before greeting me.

“What's up, girl?” She asked, taking another bite.

“Not much. It's a busy day.” I responded.

“Yeah,” Lillian said, rolling her eyes. “Bunch of nerds here for that puppet show. I think I stopped liking puppets when I was five.”

I shrugged, chewing my food slowly so I didn't have to respond too often.

“I've noticed you've been pretty peppy today.” Lillian commented before biting her sandwich again. “What gives? You getting laid?”

I blushed and sank into my chair, wanting desperately to be able to hide my emotions so I wouldn't have to make any hefty lies to cover my new found sexual paradise. As I pushed my hair behind my ear, Lillian dramatically scooted closer and placed her sandwich on a napkin next to my food.

“Alright, spill! I know that look. You're totally hiding something.”

Lillian's eyes were burning with desire, likely desperate to hear any juicy details that she could gush about later to Brad or her new boyfriend. She perched right next to my face and stared until I sighed with resignation.