Chapter 3

Those were all innocent games compared to what followed. I was always under the impression that as much as I knew Daddy wanted me, he’d never actually do something about it. He had this shy approach to our games and I always thought I was the aggressive one. As time went by, this proved to be completely wrong.

Daddy called me “sweetlips” every chance he got while mom was away. The moment I would walk in the room, he’d start: “Hey sweetlips, you’re so hot today.”

Whenever he’d hug me, his hand would rest at the point where my lower waist met my ass. At first, I thought this to be a coincidence or just my imagination, but whenever my mom wasn’t around, Daddy would proceed to pat my butt while hugging me. He did it ever so gently, I always wanted more.

I’d smile, and I’d proceed to cat-walk in front of him, lean in on some furniture or even bend in front of him. I’d hear him moan and I’d hear him touching himself which made me feel wanted, and turned me on. The second I’d face him and try to put my hands on him, he’d go: “Not yet, sweetlips.” And, he’d leave the room.

After a while, during the time when my mom was not at home, I noticed some changes in Daddy. For instance, whenever I was in the shower, daddy would somehow find an excuse to show up in the bathroom. The glass door, although steamy, was still see-through, so I knew he was able to see my naked silhouette from where he was standing. I was also able to see his silhouette from where he was standing, and he'd usually be in briefs. Daddy started doing this using various excuses: he needed the toothpaste, he ran out of floss, or he needed a towel… And I pretended to believe him. I played the part he wanted me to play and I watched his silhouette from inside the shower. I knew he was staring at me. One day while I was in the shower, Daddy walked in murmuring something about towels and proceeded to walk in and stand in front of the glass-door. The water was on, so I couldn’t really hear anything but I noticed he was standing in front of the glass-door longer than usual. I focused to try and hear what was happening and I soon realized Daddy had his pants down and he was jerking off while looking at my naked silhouette. As much as the glass-door was steamy, I could see his silhouette moving, I could see his hands and most of all, I could hear the rubbing sound his dick made. Not wanting to scare him off, I continued to play my part, more aggressively: I squeezed my tits on the glass-door giving him full view while massaging them, and right after, I pushed my ass up the glass-door, giving him full view again. I was trying to seduce him, to make him join me in the shower. By simply knowing what he was doing right outside my door, I was so turned on. I heard him: “Oh sweetlips, you’re driving me insane!”

Right after this, he fell quiet, breathing hard and deep, and I knew he had cum just by hearing me. I’d never felt more dominant and confident in my whole life! All I wanted to do was make daddy cum again.

Chapter 4

During all of this game-playing, I was relishing every minute spent with Daddy. The fact that I was able to influence a grown man in such a way was a huge ego booster. On top of it all, it also was an affirmation that I was as good, if not better, than mommy.

What I never realized was just how much I was really enjoying these tantalizing games with Daddy. Although this whole period was a countdown to my birthday in Vegas, the closer it got the less I wanted to go. This was strange but it only meant I simply didn’t want to go without him. I didn’t want the games to stop. I was afraid that if I was gone for a weekend, he’d lose interest in me. And, I couldn’t let that happen.

My mom used to always have her play her secretary, and call clients for her job, or would quickly hand me her cell phone when one of her clients would call and tell me to act like her secretary. She thought that it would give her more clout, and make her seem more legit and sought after. So after weeks of planning, I was able to imitate my mother’s voice on the phone and actually called a couple of high-end clients to look at a mansion that just went on sale. Luckily for me, they were all interested and I asked them to call me the next day so we can schedule the viewing.

The next morning, as we were all eating breakfast in the kitchen, my mom’s phone rang. I saw how confused she was while taking the call, but luckily she never questioned anything. That morning, she had to schedule three high-end viewings, all on the day of our Vegas trip. I saw her heart sink, and although she was apologetic about it, I innocently played my part as a bratty teenage daughter saying: “But, mom you promised!”

My mom was devastated that she was no longer able to celebrate my 19th birthday with me. I acted as if I was completely devastated for not going to Vegas. I saw my mom thinking and contemplating her actions and I knew it was only minutes before she'd realize what she could do. And, I was right.

Mom turned to Daddy: “Travis, I have to ask you a favor. I need you to go to Vegas with Katie and her friends. For her 19th birthday, just for the weekend.”

I saw Daddy look at her, sort of confused and caught off guard, then look at me. He sat there, quiet. For a second, I was sure he would say “no”, so I had to intervene.

“Oh, Daddy please! Pretty please! We already booked our flights and the hotel! I can’t tell them “no” now!”

Daddy took a deep breath and looked at mommy: “Fine. I’ll do it.” Then, he looked at me and pointed his hand at me: “You. No funny business.”

I nodded and proceeded to jump up and down, throwing a couple of: “Yes!” In there. Mom was pleased that I was getting my birthday party. I was pleased she wasn’t going with us but more, I was thrilled Daddy was taking me to Vegas!

Chapter 5

That whole ordeal happened the week before our scheduled trip. Mom was constantly occupied with work and she simply couldn’t spend as much time with me as she wanted. We had an agreement that she’d take me shopping before the trip, but due to her constant meetings, she had to ask Daddy to go shopping with me instead.

I still remember the day very vividly: it was a Wednesday and we were leaving for Vegas on Friday. Just as mom left the house, Daddy called me in the living room: “Sweetlips, please get ready. I have to take you out shopping.”

I was super thrilled! To me, it meant I could model bikinis for him. I couldn’t wait! I went up to my room, got dressed and was ready in a minute. Daddy took the car keys and we were on our way.

In the car, while we were driving to the mall, I saw him glance at my lips a few times. I took the freedom to casually lay my hand on his knee. He looked at my hand then he looked at me: “Sweetlips, what are you doing?”

I smiled and squeezed his knee.

“Sweetlips, we’re going to crash if you keep doing that…”

I simply ignored everything he said as I gently moved my hand upwards, towards his shorts, slowly reaching inside. I was able to touch the head as Daddy reached and removed my hand: “Behave.” He said, sort of slapping me on the wrist.

As we got to the mall, I noticed he wasn’t overly excited about being there. I realized he wasn’t that interested in shopping, like most guys. As we walked in, Daddy looked at me saying: “I’m going to the men’s department. Need to grab a couple of shirts. Meet me there?”

I nodded as I ran towards the bikini section of the store.

Half an hour later, Daddy was in the men’s fitting room lounge and I walked in wearing a bikini, modeling it in front of him.

“How do I look?” – I asked, completely aware of his wide-eyed stare. As I moved my eyes from his face to his junk, I noticed he was hard, harder than he’s ever been before. His eyes got even deeper and he stood there, contemplating his next move.