Chapter One

After we left the Henrick Mansion, silence filled the car. It wasn’t clear who was driving. In fact, I wasn’t bothered at all with anything outside the car except for the feeling of being held by my true owner. Bettie squeezed my hand and laid her head on my shoulder as Norman rubbed my thigh. She sighed.

“Is this how it ends?” she asked, rubbing her thumb over my fingers.

“More like the beginning,” Norman said. “And you’ll never have to deal with that man ever again.”

“Good,” I whispered in response.

We were silent for the rest of the ride to the airport, only speaking when the waiter asked us what we wanted to drink on the plane. I was stuck wearing my summer dress and freezing in the cold air conditioning. Norman draped a blanket over my legs after he noticed me shivering.

“There you go, my dear,” he whispered lovingly. “How are you feeling?”

I felt weak, like I was about to crumble beneath the weight of missing him. It was still a shock that I was sitting on the plane next to him, that he was holding my hand and rubbing my arm just like he used to do. I couldn’t contain the tears that fell. They slid down my face silently as I studied the ridges of his face, the perfect nose, and his beautiful eyes that washed over my entire being. Bettie was sleeping in the chair in front of me, her soft snores floating over the seat. The plane hit some turbulence and shook momentarily, causing me to grip Norman’s hand.

When it passed, he wrapped an arm around me and kissed my forehead.

“I’m glad to have you back,” he whispered.

It made me smile, the tears flowing harder as I realized I wasn’t dreaming anymore. I had spent so many nights crying over the love lost, over the time I had spent being emotionally invested in this beautiful man next to me. And now I don’t have to worry. I don’t have a care in the world because he took me back and there would be nothing stopping me from enjoying this.

We landed and I couldn’t make my legs move. I was too tired from the evening’s events to leave the seat, and I knew Norman couldn’t carry me because that would be unfair to Bettie. He took our hands and led us down the stairs to another car where we drove home.

Home, I thought. My home that I would never have to leave.

Courtney was waiting for us inside the door and she wrapped her arms around my body like she hadn’t seen me in years. It had only been six months since we parted and I was a crying mess while she stroked the hair from my face.

“My sweet little darling,” she whispered as she wept. “I wish we had never given you away.”

I couldn’t say anything in response, my sobs racking my body forward into her beautiful arms. Bettie was too tired to cry, I think. She looked worn from spending so much time pleasing Claus and she immediately collapsed into the couch. Norman lifted her and carried her to the bedroom where Courtney eventually brought me. We curled up in

the double king bed, Courtney holding me and Bettie between her and Norman.

The four of us were hardly crowded on the gigantic bed. The sheets covered us and we didn’t have to fight for warmth. Norman stroked Bettie’s hair as Courtney rubbed my back, eyes fluttering as a hand floated over my thigh. The tiresome day had left us without energy, but we still wanted each other. It was hard to choose sleep over the intimate comfort being offered. I wanted nothing more than to be penetrated by my sweet Norman, but exhaustion was yanking me down into the world of dreams.

As I drifted to sleep, lips trailed across my shoulder and nibbled on my ear where they lingered to tell me all about the fun we were going to have. Darkness took me down in an instant, taking me away from my sleeping lovers. Day would come soon and I would be happy to greet them. After a restful sleep, I woke to the sound of Bettie humming over me. She was running her fingers through my hair, tangling them around her thumb and undoing knots.

“Good morning, sweet Sammy,” she whispered. “It’s a new day.”

I groaned and rolled over, burying my face in her stomach as I tried not to smile. She continued to try to get me out of the bed, singing songs and trying to tickle my sides. I snickered.

“Come on, Sammy. We’re making pancakes,” Bettie whispered.

“I don’t want to get up yet,” I whispered, hoping she wouldn’t make me get out of bed.

“Norman already left. Courtney is making us food and I want you to join us,” she said.

“Alright,” I grunted while rolling over.

The bed was too comfortable, but the smell of food beckoned me and caused my stomach to growl. As I stood from the bed, my sun dress stuck to my side and I tried to fix it.

“I have to say,” I mentioned. “I wish we still had our closet.”

“We have a new one here,” Bettie said. “We don’t have to worry about that.”

I smiled at her, looking around for something better to wear than last month’s summer couture.

“You can change later,” Bettie insisted. “Come get something to eat first.”

I followed her out into the kitchen where Courtney was piling pancakes on a plate.

“Good morning,” she said.

“Good morning,” I said with a smile. “How did you sleep?”

“Very well now that I have my family back,” she replied.

It made me grin to hear her say this, the night coming back to me in waves like a dream. I felt like none of it happened, like we were just waking up on any other day. Claus didn’t exist. None of that dreadful summer had occurred. Everything was as it should be in the kitchen where I could smell hot batter and the delightful scent of Courtney’s coconut shampoo. I inhaled deep the aroma that heralded elation of our previous nights. I was beside myself with joy. I sat down at the bar and dug into my pancakes, commending Courtney for her culinary skills.

“So, what do you girls want to do today?” Courtney asked.

I considered the question. There wasn’t anything in particular that I wanted to do aside from walk around the house and absorb the love that had always been present. I just wanted to lie in bed with Bettie and Courtney without having to think about anything else.

“I don’t really feel like doing anything,” I said between bites. “I just want to rest.”

“Of course,” Courtney said. “Do whatever you want.”

It was wonderful being back in a space that didn’t demand my body to do anything. Being with Claus was sort of nice, but mostly taxing. He wanted Bettie and I to perform on an almost daily basis where we would be exposed to the dangers of poor circulation as a result of being bound. The work was almost worse than just being forced to submit to his carnal pleasures, but it also aroused me to be bossed around. It was the same feeling I had when I first started seeing Norman. I just wanted the pleasure of being good, of being rewarded. I knew that came with a price.

After finishing my breakfast, I sipped some coffee as Courtney expressed her gratitude of having us back. She looked over Bettie and asked her what she had done before being taken.

“I was a maid,” Bettie explained.

“Well, you don’t have to do any of that here,” Courtney said. “You are perfectly free to do whatever you want. Within boundaries, of course.”

Bettie looked at me as if to ask if it was okay. I nodded. Being here was much better than being in the bonds of that demanding man who only wanted us to perform. It was so much better being in this free space. I looked around at the lavish cushions, the french windows, and the antique furniture that occupied the living room leading into the kitchen.

“You can do whatever you’re comfortable doing as long as you don’t leave the house without permission,” Courtney explained.

It was simple enough. I didn’t want to do anything without Norman at any rate, and I didn’t want to get us in trouble on the first day. I took Bettie’s hand and we walked out into the backyard, Courtney following to watch us soak up the beauty of the scenery. It wasn’t England, but it was perfect, the greenery stretching around for miles as if never ending. It was the perfect beginning to something utterly beautiful and incomprehensibly authentic. There were no words to give Bettie for her to understand how wonderful it was to be with Norman.

In truth, the only times she had ever encountered Norman were at Theo’s mansion and the one we just came from. I wondered if Theo had ever forced her to please Norman during his visits. It made me think of the little scene in the office. Our encounter together was absolutely stunning and I found her tongue more than satisfying. It made my thighs tingle to think of our first romp together and I tickled the palm of her hand with my nails.

Bettie tittered and twitched, turning to kiss my cheek.