“Goodnight baby.” – She leaned in and kissed my forehead.

I went upstairs to my bedroom, changed, brushed my teeth and went to bed. Not for a second had I stopped thinking about Daddy. I was a virgin and I knew very little of what arousal felt like, but at that moment, I was sure that was it.

As I climbed into bed under the covers, my new Daddy’s eyes came to mind: his look, his beard, his smell… As those images kept playing over and over in my head, I reached down, slowly inside my bottom pajamas and under my panties. I had no idea what I was doing, all I knew was my pussy was wet and it wanted to be touched. I used my right hand to slowly massage it, gently finding the sweet spot that needed rubbing and I obliged. With my eyes closed, thinking about my new Daddy, I was rubbing myself wishing it was him here with me. I rubbed faster and faster until I felt I was on the brink of the finish line after which I pressed harder and harder and in a second, I was lifted from the bed and carried somewhere above. The feeling of that orgasm can never be forgotten as it was sweet and powerful at the same time, but even sweeter because it was completely forbidden. I smiled at these thoughts as I turned around and fell asleep.

Chapter 3

The next day, it was Saturday. I laid in bed for a little while longer thinking about last night before I finally decided it was time to go downstairs. I took off my pajamas and put on a robe before I went out of my room and descended downstairs. Saturdays were normally mild in our house, mom was either out shopping or already cooking lunch, while I’d linger in between the living room and the garden until it was really time to get up and get dressed. This Saturday, was different.

As I walked into the living room with nothing but a robe, messy hair, no makeup and puffy eyes, I saw mom sitting with Brian and Daddy. It completely shook me up! She should’ve told me!

“Ah, there she is! Good morning, sleepyhead.” – Brian yelled, eyeing me from head to toe. I glanced in his direction, without saying a word but simply nodding my head. I’ve been nodding my head around him so much that he probably thinks I’m so nervous I can’t speak in front of him. Mom jumped out of the armchair, walking towards me with her arms stretched:

“Good morning sweetie! Let me fix you some breakfast.”

“Good morning mom.” – I whispered, accepting her hug.

“Brian, can you help me please?”

“Of course, Mrs. Hughes.” – Brian said, standing up and following mom to the kitchen.

“I’ve told you to call me…”

“Emma, sorry. I’ll get used to it though.”

As their voices drowned in the background, I kept standing still in the same exact place I was before they left the room. Daddy was sitting on the couch, having full view of myself, clearly enjoying himself.

He was leaned in on one side, holding a cup of coffee in his hands. I saw his eyes move from my toes up to my face and down again. He smiled, contently.

“Good Morning Beth. How did you sleep?” – He asked, glaring into my eyes. His gaze was so expressive, it made me feel as if he knew what I did last night. And, it made me blush from embarrassment. I quickly looked away before speaking: “Fine. How about yourself?”

He stood up and walked to me. I could hear his breathing as he was stepping into my personal space. With his right hand, he touched my chin ever so lightly, turning my head towards him, making me look at him. As I did, he smiled.

“You’re a good girl, Beth aren’t you?” – He whispered under his breath.

I felt the same exact fire lighting up in me again. Moreover, I felt the wetness between my legs gush and I was afraid he would be able to see it. I tried to look away but he was holding my chin more firmly now, not allowing me to move.

“Yes.” – I whispered, feeling the attraction, feeling my heavy breathing and noticing him realizing what was happening.

I was afraid he’d say something, I was scared he’d be offended but luckily he only smiled. As he did, he kept holding my chin and staring into my eyes, while he used his left hand to touch my right thigh: I felt his hand glide up, gently landing on my butt and squeezing tightly.

“Daddy needs you to be a good girl.” – He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

“I will be.” – I replied back while I heard mom yelling from the kitchen:

“Breakfast is ready!”

Chapter 4

The four of us sat in our kitchen eating pancakes together. Daddy behaved as if nothing happened, he was so loved up with my mom that I thought the event from our living room had only happened in my head. Whatever the whole “good girl” thing meant, I was ready and moreover, I only wanted to please him.

As I sat there looking at Daddy and eating my pancakes, I had completely forgotten about my step-brother, Brian who sat next to me, watching me eat.

“You are looking at him in a way you’re not supposed to.” – Brian leaned in and whispered in my ear. It was a wakeup call. I almost jumped out of my seat, turning around, feeling as if I was caught red-handed.

“What are you talking about Brian?” – I almost yelled, diverting my eyes away.

Brian smiled: “I’ve seen this before. He has that… influence on women. You’re not the first one. But, you have to get over it.”