She closed her eyes and spread her hands wide. She engaged in the unique gift which very few realm women shared. The world of the Nine Realms was the world of frequencies and vibrations. Time-pathing was no different.

With a sudden jolt, she moved from real-time into the continuum, a place where the past could be observed and from which Holly could move from one location to another with ease. In this state, she was free of time. When she reentered real-time, she would return to Rez with two minutes to spare. It was the greatest gift of time-pathing.

Once inside, she saw her kitchen as though it was blurred. Even the flour and broken glass on the floor had a wavy appearance.

Before she did anything, however, she wanted Vojalie’s guidance.

She tapped on Vojalie’s pathing frequency and the woman responded. I’ve been expecting to hear from you. Vojalie had a powerful connection to the future.

Holly explained the situation as quickly as she could. Though she knew she would meet Rez in time to heal him, she didn’t have unlimited time in the continuum. For her, a ten-minute trip would usually end in severe lethargy, which would leave her extremely vulnerable.

Vojalie listened to her recounting of her conversation with Rez. Fresh cut grass. You know what that sounds like.

I do. But I want to be sure. If I’m to save Rez, I need to return to the battle to see the moment he was afflicted. I need to smell the poison myself.

I couldn’t agree more.

Then you approve the direction I intend to take. More a statement than a question.

Holly, I give you leave from this point forward to time-path when and how you feel you must. You’ve entered a critical period in your life. I will only say you would be wise, at times, to move beyond the strict rules and expectations you’ve set for yourself.

A familiar theme. She’d argued with Vojalie for hours on this subject. She didn’t have time, however, to take issue with her now. I have heard you, Mistress.

She heard Vojalie’s telepathic chuckle. You are very stubborn, Holly McCrae. Now, get going.

She felt Vojalie end the telepathic conversation. She wished she could pause to catch her breath, but she didn’t have time.

Focusing on Rez, she let the time-path move her. It was like being pushed one direction then another as though searching for the way. She’d learned through her apprenticeship with Vojalie not to fight it.

Within seconds, she was at the village of Millerell, though a couple of minutes in the past. Because she was in the continuum and hadn’t actually moved into the past yet, she saw the entire village as if blurred. If a car drove down the street, it wouldn’t strike her because she wasn’t really there.

She could observe, though.

The fire drew her attention first. The cottage was in flames. A fire truck was already on the scene and several strong-looking trolls worked three different hoses to bring the blaze under control.

Villagers clustered at a distance, though a troll family stood nearby and appeared devastated, probably the owners. A sudden breeze whipped up the flames and the villagers gave a cry. Just as quickly, it died down and the heavy sprays of water began subduing the fire once more.

She turned and saw Rez sitting against a low stone wall. Nearby were several dead Invictus. She put a hand to her mouth and avoided looking at the corpses. Instead, she focused on Rez.

His hand was pressed to his stomach. His white tank top was stained a deep red. She repressed a sudden revulsion as she saw he sat in a pool of his own blood. He was pale, his forehead beaded with sweat.

In this instant, she’d forgotten what he looked like, the features she’d seen in her dreams a hundred times. He h

ad a firm jawline, sharp cheekbones and straight brows. He was one of the handsomest men she’d ever seen with wavy brown hair to his shoulders, ridiculously sexy blond highlights and light blue eyes that two months ago had pierced her soul.

All this she took in like the flash of an image on a screen.

Her heart pounded hard now, as though laden. She put a hand to her chest. She’d felt this before, the night she’d been summoned to heal him at the Wild Boar.

She’d never met him before. Even if she had, she wouldn’t have known who he was since Mastyr Stone had pummeled him almost to the point of death for making a move on Rosamunde. Rez’s jaw had been broken, the bones around his eyes shattered. His face was a mass of blood and bruises.

It had taken all her healing arts to first bring him back from the edge of death, then to restore him to health. Once she had, she’d been astonished by how gorgeous he was.

Gaining his feet, he’d thanked her. She remembered his height and the tremendous bulk of his muscles. Mostly, she recalled how her heart had started to labor in her chest as she looked up at him. She’d experienced a profound desire to feed him.

She’d often wondered what would have happened if they’d been in a private space. Longing had torn at her. She’d wanted him like no other man before him. He’d been into her as well.

An argument had followed. She’d been defensive when he called her ‘uptight’. She hadn’t hesitated to remind him he’d left the Guard when they’d needed him most.