She did it again which caused him to slide his lips down her neck. She cried out as he began licking the side of her throat. Yes, bite me, Rez. Sweet Goddess, do it now.

His hips slowed down then stopped completely. He was so hard within her and it felt good to be filled up.

She felt the sharp sting and an immediate sweet euphoric pleasure cascaded in a wave down her body.

She held him close as he nursed on her neck, taking what had ended decades of suffering for him. Once they no longer saw each other, she hoped he would remain free of pain. Rez deserved at least that much.

His hips began to move once more. He thrust in and out as he suckled.

Her breathing grew uneven at so much sensation. A vibration still flowed from his cock and his mating frequency tightened and released over and over. His scent poured from him in waves, sharp eucalyptus and mellow thyme.

Her eyes were closed now as her body heated up. She moaned heavily. Her arms tightened around him. She wouldn’t last long now.

Pleasure built, rising and driving her toward the edge. She wanted to hold on, though. She wanted this with him, right now.

Rez, I’m close. Come with me.

He groaned, suckled a few more times then released her throat. He licked to seal the wounds.

Lifting up, he stared into her eyes. She touched the blood on his lips. He drew her thumb into his mouth and sucked.

The sight of him, with her thumb in his mouth …

The feel of his body rolling over hers and his cock thrusting deep …

The scent of him flooding her brain with intoxicating sensations …

She couldn’t breathe.

He released her thumb. “You’re beautiful, Holly. Especially with your lips parted and your face warm with passion. Are you close?”

“So, close, Rez? Are you?”

His head did a quick double nod. His hips sped up. She clutched at his shoulders. His mating vibration tightened around hers.

Ecstasy hurtled toward her then suddenly caught her up and carried her into the night skies. She cried out. His roars followed as he pulsed into her.

He continued to thrust and her cries didn’t end.

She felt the orgasm begin to wane, then another followed.

He shouted and her back arched as more pleasure tossed her around as though caught in an ocean wave. Ecstasy flowed up through her abdomen and spread fire through her heart.

Love for him ignited and spread to every cell of her body.

She wept. She cried out. Pleasure continued to pour from her sex, waves and waves.

I’m coming again. He was in her head now and nothing felt more overwhelming or wonderful.

She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in close as he thrust harder still. Just as she was coming down, she felt his final release. Tears flowed from her eyes.

She’d never been in love before. That’s what she understood as she felt Rez’s body relax against hers. It was the most beautiful feeling in the world and carried the elements of life with it, of forever love, of family, of the birth of realm-kind. She felt the Goddess’s presence, a warm light that filled her heart and her mind.

She loved the man she held in her arms with all her heart. He was more precious than anything she’d known before. She would carry him in the warmth of her love forever, even if he never knew the truth.

She was breathing hard as he balanced himself on his forearms and looked down at her. His brows rose, “You’ve been crying.”

“There’s something I need to tell you. But not like this. In a few minutes. Right now, I want to enjoy the moment.”