Holly chose an empty stall, took them within then said, “I’m levitating. The hell my fine shoes are touching whatever is on the floor here. Sweet Goddess, what is that? Never mind. You two ready?”

Rez answered in the affirmative as did Oregis.

When the time-path vibration ceased, they were ba

ck to the present.

Oregis called out in a loud voice. “That was great.” He then shoved at the stall door. It snapped wide and hit a shifter.

The wolf turned and batted at Oregis, who flipped in the air several times avoiding the swats. “I’ll get you, you little freak.”

Rez moved out into the open area. The shifter took one look at him and backed up. Oregis moved in to perch on Rez’s shoulder.

“Go ahead,” Oregis taunted. “Mess with me, asshole. See what ya get.” He patted Rez’s head for good measure.

The shifter, lean from drug use, took a good look at Rez then lifted both hands. “Meant no offense.”

Rez gave him the stink-eye but said nothing.

Holly’s voice entered his head. I’ve got to get out of this bathroom. I’m about ready to puke.

He caught her hand and they were moving. The smell was rather ripe.

What a delicate word for what was in there. Sweet Goddess.

Rez chuckled. She was right though. Rez’s stomach had churned a few times as well.

He hadn’t been to this end of the black market. He’d been cautioned to stay away by enough stall owners and the entire gremlin population to keep his distance. He had sufficient respect for all involved to heed their warnings.

What he saw was the usual sex trade and the farther they moved, the seedier the people involved.

Holly drew close and slid her arm around his waist. I’m not liking the way half the women and all the men are looking at me. I’m not just a piece of meat. I’m something they want to cut up and barbecue.

I’m getting the same vibe. Let me stake my claim. That should help. He leaned down, getting his lips close. Kiss me and make it look good.

Holly turned into him and planted a big one on his lips, both hands on his face. He bent her over until he heard a few whistles around them.

When he drew back, she once more wiped the lipstick off his mouth.

Oregis tapped on his head and whispered. “There, to the right. That tunnel. I’ve heard talk that it’s a one way-ticket.”

Rez thought it best to ask the fae. “Holly, what do you think? What are you getting?”

“I hate to say this, but I need to get closer. Why don’t we head over there and have a look?”

He took Holly’s hand and guided her through the crowd, pulling her tight as needed. They both levitated. Maybe it was the tense nature of the situation, but she tracked with him as though they’d been battle partners for years.

The closer they got to the entrance, however, the less he seemed able to focus. A familiar confusion set in. He called a halt and backed up several feet until the sensation lessened.

Holly’s voice entered his mind. Do you feel that? It’s like my head is full of spider webs.

Oregis whispered. “What the hell is this?”

Holly lowered her voice. “A spell. Give me a sec. I think I can work up an antidote.”

“Good,” Rez said. “Because my instincts tell me this is the gate to Underworld.”

“Or Hell,” Oregis added.