She then kissed him. Of course, this left behind a whole lot of her red lipstick, which she quickly rubbed off his lips. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t apologize.” It took her a moment to realize something had changed. With him.


“Holly, what’s happening here? With you and me?”

She placed a hand on his face. “I don’t know. I feel like I’m coming to know you, really know you. It’s as though we’re connected through my blood rose gift in ways we never could have been in the normal realm world. Every minute that passes feels like a day with you.”

He nodded. “There’s a subtle vibration between us as well. I feel it, too. I’m sensing things you’re experiencing and feeling. As for our current mission, I want you to know how grateful I am that you’re willing to go to Underworld with me. It will be a dangerous situation.”

“I know.” She felt she needed to add, “But with the time-path, we have some protection and that’s a huge part of my willingness.”

“You’re getting better at it as well, aren’t you?”

She spread her hands wide and even turned them palms up. “There’s more here now. Power, I mean. It’s phenomenal.”

“So, are we ready?” His lips curved. Devastating.

She couldn’t help but smile. “I guess we are.”

She turned abruptly and gestured into what was the living room. “We have visitors.”

A split-second later, Oregis and Davido arrived.

Rez’s voice entered her mind. Definitely more power.

The gremlin looked resplendent in a shimmering blue-black coat, also tacked back like Rez’s coat. He had on an embroidered scarlet vest beneath and he’d changed into formal pants and more tailored hip boots.

He levitated and looked them both over. “You’re a pair, all right.”

Davido joined them. He took both of Holly’s hands, gave them a squeeze then levitated to kiss each of her cheeks. He pathed, Vojalie said you are to mind the ghosts. Do whatever they say and make sure Rez does the same. All depends on this.

She would have asked what he meant but Davido turned his attention to Rez. “You’re to obey your woman in this situation. Rely on her, my boy.” He levitated to meet Rez’s eyes dead on. “Can you hear me in this?”

Rez nodded slowly. “I do hear you and I will.”

It almost appeared as though Davido had used his charisma to get Rez’s acquiescence. Maybe he had.

Davido bid

them well then vanished.

Oregis whipped around. “That man sure knows how to make an exit.” He then clapped his hands together. “So, did you two kids have sex, or what? You did, didn’t you? Well done.” He grinned and his ears swiveled.

Holly felt her cheeks warm up. Rez just shook his head.

“You don’t need to be embarrassed. I gave my wife a good one before I left. Of course, it helped to have a bag of rubies in my hand. Sex is good. The rest of you realm-folk are way too uptight about it.”

“All right, Oregis. We don’t need a lecture on best sexual practices from a horn-dog like you.”

Oregis burst out laughing. “Horn-dog. I haven’t heard that in a decade.”

~ ~ ~

Rez wasn’t sure how Holly was taking Oregis’s attitudes. But then, she knew him and his proclivities. He was sure the shoes she had on, with the hot red bows he’d felt slide up and down his ass a couple of times, had been purchased on the black market.

He’d always be grateful she’d been on board for a quickie. When he’d choked on his whisky just by looking at her, a hard-on had followed so fast he’d about buckled over in pain.