
He wasn’t anything like she’d thought he would be. He was intense, of course. Her brother had been in the same mold. She supposed it came from having a dominant warrior gene. He was handsome as hell and a wonderful lover. He was always right with her, looking at her, feeling her. It was a kind of attentiveness that was also new to her. She didn’t like comparing any man to a former lover, but this quality set him apart from the others.

The same attribute spilled over to other parts of their relationship. She thought about how he’d been during two meals now. He’d made sure she’d eaten. He’d prepared breakfast earlier. And coffee.

She’d had several boyfriends before Rez. She knew from experience these were not small things, though they were in some ways incidental. He made sure she was taken care of.

She sighed suddenly as she thought of her brother. He’d always admired Rez as a fellow warrior. Yet, if Rez had returned to the Guard, would her brother still be alive?

On the other hand, if he’d rejoined the ranks, wouldn’t that have meant the deaths of all the villagers Rez had saved?

Rez’s voice entered her mind. We should get going.

Almost done.

She took a moment to heal the wounds, put on a fresh thong, then levitated back to the living room. Easier than walking in stilettos.

Rez stood by the bank of windows looking out at the forest. Even in profile he was deadly good-looking. No, nothing about this arrangement or this man was simple. Blood rose or not, she was deeply attracted to him. This much she could admit to herself.

He turned toward her as she drew close. “Oregis will meet us at my house.”

“Isn’t that pretty far for him to be levitating?”

“Would be, but apparently Davido’s helping out.”

“Davido?” The fact that one of the most powerful of realm-folk had remained involved, even if just to transport Oregis, surprised her. “That’s something, isn’t it?”

“What do you mean?” Rez frowned slightly.

“Well, how often have you been in Davido’s company during your lifetime? Now he’s going to move Oregis from place-to-place?”

“Point taken. Then again, I think we both know we’re in the middle of something extraordinary on several levels. But let’s get to my house. Oregis has suggested I turn up the heat level on my own clothes as well.”

She purred softly. “I like the sound of that.”

He chuckled, a sound she was growing to love.

When he offered his arm, she took it, warmed up her time-pathing frequency then focused on his home. The trip was so quick, she’d arrived in the center of his house near the kitchen before she’d blinked.

“That was fast.” Even Rez seemed surprised.

“It was, wasn’t it?”

“I’ll be quick, too.”

Holly thought about the speed for a second. Her powers were increasing, another result of her blood rose capacity coming online.

She glanced at her hands. They weren’t shaking and she didn’t feel dizzy. She’d taken Rez’s blood, was that part of the equation as well?

A few minutes later, Rez returned to the living room. “I feel like an idiot wearing this get up. But this was Oregis’s orders via Davido and Vojalie. What do you think?”

Holly turned in his direction and swore her heart stopped, though the gasp coming out of her throat didn’t. He wore his usual black tank but had added several small thick chains around his neck. It was the rest of his outfit, however, that got to her. He wore a black suit coat, designed with a pull-back at the hips to reveal sleek leathers. And damn, he’d donned the sexiest hip boots she’d ever seen with lines of silver studs across the top of each.

He looked like something out of every woman’s fantasy.

His smile was crooked as he moved close. He planted his hands on her waist. “Do you like me in this?”

She opened her mouth. “Rez, you’re sexy as hell and you know it.”