He pushed her hair away from her neck. She moaned so loud the sound bounced off the glass shower door opposite and made her moan all over again.

/> He only licked her neck twice before he nipped her vein, secured his mouth around the wounds and began to suck.

His hips went to work at the same time.

His scent was so strong she kept her lips parted to catch every layer of fragrance.

Her body was ripe for him. He drove quickly and sucked down her life force. When he added a vibration to his cock, she whimpered then pathed, Sweet Goddess! I didn’t know you could do that.

He moved vampire fast and that was all it took. She climbed quickly to the peak of ecstasy and flew over the edge.

He was writhing on top of her and she knew he was coming as well. She could almost feel what he was experiencing. He left her throat, sealed the wounds and began to roar.

The orgasm intensified and sent a wave of sensation up through her abdomen and made her heart expand. Her head felt light and every nerve ending tingled. She gripped his shoulders hard and cried out.

This wasn’t sex. This was something so far beyond anything she’d experienced, she didn’t have a word for it.

And all because she’d worn a low-cut dress, teased her hair up, then put on red lipstick.

As ecstasy passed, he held her tight, panting, though his hips jerked a couple of times for good measure.

He drew back slightly. “I swear I could sense your pleasure when you came and it made me come so fast. This was crazy.”

She smiled. Her own words came out in a breathy rush. “Wicked crazy.” Her heart beat twice as fast as normal, but her chest was light. “We’re being very bad. We’re supposed to hunt down Cruce and instead you have me on my bathroom sink.”

“I like your sink. I like being here.”

He seemed so open in that moment. He even leaned in and kissed her. She realized this was who he’d been before the tragedy.

When he drew back, she said, “I like you being here.” For a split second, she saw what their future could be and her heart began to ache.

Awareness dawned, a flash inside her mind that made her blink. She didn’t want to put a name to what she was feeling. She really didn’t.

But there it was, staring at her in the light blue of Rez’s eyes and causing her heart to beat erratically. She felt so much in this moment, she could hardly breathe.

Her throat tightened as reality worked through body.

The worst had happened. In the space of one night, she’d fallen in love with the vampire.

He glanced around. “Have you got a washcloth handy?”

It took her a moment to corral her thoughts and focus. “I was thinking the same thing. Just pull out the second drawer on the left.”

He reached over, grabbed a cloth and eased out of her body. As he did, he pressed it against her sex.

He took a moment to clean up then gave her some privacy. She was grateful for it, not just for the awkward movements necessary to take care of business herself, but the emotional space. She couldn’t believe they’d just done this. Again.

And it had been freaking hot.

As she tidied her hair, her gaze fell to the two small puncture wounds at her throat. They hadn’t completely disappeared yet and there was still some redness around them. She could have sent some healing straight to each spot. Instead, she touched them and remembered what it was like to feed Rez while he made love to her.

She drew a soft intake of breath. She’d loved it, yet love didn’t seem quite the right word, not specific enough.

More like, cherished.

Feeding this man had become important to her. What she couldn’t discern was whether this had real personal significance or if she’d feel this way about any mastyr because she was a blood rose.

She lifted her arm to her nose and sniffed. His scent was there, something so specific to Rez she would know it anywhere.