She reviewed the prior night’s events from the beginning. She’d healed Rez and felt so sexually driven toward him that she had hot sex against an oak tree. They’d battled five Invictus pairs using the time-path. Oregis and Davido showed up and off they went once more within the continuum to discover and investigate the lair of a heinous dark fae name Lanarae and her accomplice, Mastyr Cruce.

Her thoughts settled down as she pondered the terrible reality of all those wraiths penned up in the cavern. She knew instinctively they were being used as blood cattle. It now seemed likely Lanarae had found a method of creating Invictus pairs by using wraith-blood.

For a long moment, she began to wonder what was happening to her. Her faeness had kicked in as it never had before. She was caught up in an extraordinary point in time, a kind of convergence.

She put a hand to her chest. She was a blood rose. She could feel the beginnings of a new supply for Rez. She could also detect the level of his blood-need and it was low. This alone was extraordinary.

She sat up slowly and shoved some of the comforter behind her to keep her lower back warm. Wrapping her arms around her knees, she stared at the shutters opposite the bed. With the sun setting, it wouldn’t be long before they rose for the night.

Settling her chin on her knees, what struck her was the incredible reality that she now had fangs. She touched her tongue to the place on her gums where they would emerge from a very complex arrangement near her incisors. She felt the slightly raw spots and sent more healing.

A sudden, powerful memory, of taking Rez’s blood, surged once more. What followed was a wave of sexual energy and a need that almost had her crying out, even calling for Rez.

But how wise would that be? Though her libido wanted to hop on the bullet train, she experienced a profound need to put on the breaks.

So, she did.

Rez was suddenly in her mind however. What’s going on? Then in a lower timbre, he added, Do you need me? Even within her head, his voice had dropped to a deeper, sexier octave. He was making an offer, but she knew she needed to refuse.

I’m fine. Just hopping in the shower. She made good on her response by shoving the covers back and heading to the bathroom.

~ ~ ~

Rez didn’t mistake the scent that perfumed the whole house and it was sex. He wore a fresh set of leathers that was so tight right across the crotch he could hardly breath.

He had no idea what had given sudden rise to her desire for him. But it took every ounce of strength he possessed not to head back to the bedroom and hunt her down.

He tried picking up his mug, but his hands shook. He focused on breathing.

It helped that the shutters began to rise. He shifted to watch the forest and the distant stars come into view.

Holly had cleared a viewing path to the forest mountains i

n the distance. She’d chosen the location extremely well.

At last, his body calmed down. He picked up his coffee and crossed to the large picture window. Squirrels raced across the needle strewn ground. His world was very like earth, except even the birds and animals were active at night in the Nine Realms.

He felt a powerful vibration against his telepathy. Someone was asking permission to talk to him.

It took him a few seconds recognize the caller.


The ruling mastyr of Tannisford would be their first stop. Holly and I have news. Big news. Can we meet up?

Glad to hear it and yes. Be at my lake house in ten.

Holly needs to eat and she’s showering. Given how rugged the night before had been and that tonight’s activities would no doubt be equally as taxing, she deserved a shower and a good meal to start. How about a half hour? I want to make sure she’s taken care of.

Done. Davido says you can get here no problem through the time-path? Is that true?

Looks like it.

Okay. I want to hear everything. Stone pathed the location then ended the telepathic call.

Rez eased up his hold on his mug. Memories of the beating he’d taken came back suddenly and in full force. Only this time, he finally understood Stone’s reaction prompting the attack in the first place.

He brought his mug to his lips and drank. He returned to the kitchen to scramble a few eggs and make some toast.