She was breathing fast now.

The orgasm rolled toward her as heavy as his body, as full, as completely. When it began to flow, it was like a wave of electrical sensation tingling through her sex, then gripping and pulsing. Finally, it pushed up through her torso. She cried out over and over.

“You’re coming.”

She jerked her chin in response. She wasn’t sure she could speak, though she did whisper, “Sweet Goddess.” She felt his blood in her now. The ecstasy was in her veins, not just her body.

He moved faster.

His face contorted and he shouted.

As she watched him come, ecstasy caught her again. Only this time, she commanded him. “Look at me.”

His gaze shot to hers and his body jerked. “What have you done to me? I’m going to come again.”

He thrust harder. She watched a second orgasm hit him. Her own ecstasy peaked a third time as he moved like lightning over her body.

She shouted with him and tugged on the erotic scarves. His eyes were on fire. Her sex pulled on his cock and drew the last drop of his seed from him.

As ecstasy began to ease down, she fell limp against the sheet. Her arms were still held above her head and tied to the headboard. Her heart thudded in her chest.

He breathed in heavy gasps.

He lifted, supporting himself on his forearms. He kissed her hair then her cheek. “That’s never happened before.”


“Oh, yeah.” He chuckled then started working the scarves to untie her.

She was sure she’d pulled so hard on the knots, they’d never come undone.

But with a few brisk tugs, he released her from the headboard.

She lowered arms. “That feels good.”

He reached for some tissues as he slid out of her. “Thought you might need these.”

She tucked them between her legs then began slowly working the scarves off her wrists. Her skin was red where they’d created friction. But they didn’t hurt at all.

With the scarves in one hand, she extended an arm and let the red silk fall to the floor.

She was so completely satisfied.


; The paintings now made sense to her as well. She’d been reaching for this moment with Rez, but what did it mean?

She had fangs. Was she a vampire now? Had she moved from her fae self to a vampire?

She touched her gums. They hurt where they’d finally broken through. She worked on her self-healing and the dullish pain subsided.

Rez was very quiet as he stretched out beside her.

When she shifted to look at him, his head was angled away from her. He appeared to be staring at the fire.

“I know. It’s lame.”

“What?” He sounded surprised.