He drew the blanket back and placed a hand between her breasts. He leaned lose to sniff her neck. “I can smell your fear, Holly. It’s intoxicating.”

She met his gaze and the fear transformed into sudden, powerful sexual need. Her hips rocked.

He moved his hand and slowly unbuttoned his jeans.

Her gaze became fixed to his abdomen and what was the head of his erect cock. He carefully unzipped, holding his erection away from the biting teeth.

Her tongue made an appearance as she rimmed her lips.

With his clothes gone and her arms tied up, Holly’s mind drifted to a strange, erotic place. Her gums burned in two distinct spots.

She drew her lips back and hissed.

~ ~ ~

Rez stared down at Holly, his body on fire. But what was she doing? Had she just hissed at him like vampire? It was hot as hell, but he was pretty sure it meant something.

When he drew closer, her hips shifted and her legs flew at him in what would have been a hard kick. But he’d been a warrior a long time and he caught her legs easily then pinned her to the bed.

In a quick jump, he was seated on hips. There was no way she could move. She hissed again.

Why the hissing? What was going on? Even her lips were drawn back.

Her geranium scent filled the room as well so he knew she was into this. But he sensed more and knew it had something to do with her vampire genetics.

She kept pulling back her lips, then running her tongue over her gums. Her neck arched.

Then he got it. “Let me help you, Holly. You’ve got a latent, and highly unusual, pair of fangs coming in.”

At that, her body fell very still, as in vampire still. Only her eyes were alive to him as she met his gaze.

She pathed, Rez, I don’t know what’s happening. I feel like I could hurt you.

Her gaze fell to his throat and his own instincts took a sharp turn. He angled his head to give her a good long look at his throat. She started bucking her hips, but he kept her pinned.

I want your vein.

He stayed with telepathy as he slowly leaned his torso in the direction of her head. I need to massage your gums and you’ll need to focus on letting your fangs come through. And yes, this first time, it’s going to hurt. Yet, it will feel amazing at the same time.

He held his hands on the side of her face. The tension in her body told him she was barely holding on, that the darkest part of her vampire nature wanted to hurt him.

He thought about releasing the bindings. Vampires especially didn’t like being trussed up. Yet, the fae part of her needed this, though he had no idea why. For whatever reason, his powerful gut instincts told him Holly needed to be bound.

“Will you trust me?”

Though her eyes were panicked, she jerked her chin up and down several times in a row.


With his hands positioned around her jaw and across her cheekbones, he touched her lips gently. He pushed them back farther and could see white spots near her incisors where her small fae fangs needed to come through.

He rubbed the spots putting more and more pressure on the area. This had to hurt. Bad.

She made small grunts.

“You’re close. Focus. Tell your body to push through.”

He slid his thumbs to the side. Blood started to pool. “Good. Keep going.”