His wife made squeaking sounds at the height of passion. He’d thought more than once the high-pitched cries had the cadence and pitch of someone repeatedly stepping on a mouse’s tail. Oregis had once apologized for the noise then added it was his favorite sound in the world.

He always kissed his wife on the cheek when she arrived and when she left. He gave her gifts constantly. Of course, in the world of the forest gremlin, women had tremendous demands.

Rez had been around their kind long enough, however, to know it wasn’t solely materialistic. It was about territory and social rank. A female gremlin’s possessions announced her status.

A few minutes later, Holly came into the dining area and moved to stand by the table. His breath snagged on the sight of her in a dark green silk tunic. It almost looked like a negligee with narrow straps and a simple design that went to mid-thigh. She wore no pants. Her curly black hair was a sensual fall all the way to the upper curve of her bottom.

Goddess, she was beautiful.

She held onto the back of one of the chairs, her gaze fixed on the windows now shielded with the shutters. He

realized the insides had been painted a moss green. “It’s past dawn now.”

Rez saw the faint glow of light near the edges. He didn’t look too long. His vampire aversion to sunlight ran at the acute end of the spectrum. Some vampires could view daylit countryside no problem. He couldn’t. Even a faint glow hurt his eyes.

“Vojalie made tomato bisque.”

She turned in his direction. “I’m sorry, what?”

He carried a bowl of soup and set it in front of her at the head of the table.

She glanced at the white ceramic and nodded. “Right. Soup.”

She didn’t seem fully present. Maybe it was latent time-lethargy. She pulled her chair out. Her movements were slow as she sat down.

Rez brought his own bowl to the table, afterward the bread. He poured wine, but the whole time his thoughts and intentions had become fixed on Holly. Oregis was right. She was the color of her dishware.

She put another hand to her chest. “Rez, you’ll have to take care of this right after the meal.”

A shiver ran through his body. “I will.”

Hell, yeah, he would.

He could smell her now, even above the aroma of the soup. She was the fragrance of a flower the women of his family had planted around their homes for centuries.

Sudden need for her swept over him and damn if his knees didn’t almost give way.

He sat down and waved a hand at the bread and at her bowl. “Eat.” The command came out stern but had a good effect. Holly picked up her spoon.

He followed suit and started in.

Maybe it was the effect of the time-path, but hunger struck him hard. He had to work to keep from wolfing down the soup. He kept tearing off chunks of the sour dough loaf and dipping. In order to keep his gaze from becoming fixed on Holly’s breasts, he watched the heavenly pureed tomato concoction catch the holes of the bread.

Holly moaned softly. “This is so good.”

As he shifted his gaze to her, he realized he was hunched over his food like a madman. But she wasn’t much different. Her face was angled toward the ceiling and her eyes were closed like she was caught in ecstasy.

Maybe she was.

Without thinking, he rose, slid his bowl so that it landed next to hers, then dragged his chair close.

Her brows rose a little as she opened her eyes and met his gaze. Her words surprised him. “What a good idea.”

She held a small chunk of bread in hand which she then dipped in her soup. When it was coated, instead of eating it herself, she extended it toward his mouth.

Holding her gaze, he opened his mouth. But he got more than the bread as he caught her fingers and gave a tug with his lips. He wasn’t sure he’d ever felt a jolt of sexual need like this one before.

As her fingers left his mouth, he tore off a small chunk and dipped it in her soup. Her eyes glittered. “Are you going to feed me, Rez? Because I’m so hungry.”