“Was it a vision?” He asked.

“Yes. Did you see it as well?”

“No. But I felt it.”

All the pieces of the puzzle came together. Holly had always wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. Teaching was part of that and it formed the center of her self-discipline.

She’d embraced time-pathing for the same reason. She knew her gift might be used to help others. She’d saved Rez’s life more than once tonight because of it.

“Rez, there’s something you need to know.” She didn’t know how to tell him. She drew a deep breath and swallowed hard. “I’ve seen your daughter. She’s alive, but she’s in Underworld. Lanarae and Cruce are holding her captive. She’s the one Lanarae has been torturing, the one Cruce called for. But she’s very much alive.”

He gasped then released her but only to pull her into his arms and hold her fast. She felt his chest shudder as a painful sob left his throat. “I was hoping you might find her.”

She held him tight in return.

One minute, then another.

When he finally had command of himself, he drew back. “Will you come with me, Holly? Will you help me rescue my daughter?”

There was only one answer she could ever give to such a question. “Of course, I will.”

~ ~ ~

Rez held onto Holly as though she was a life preserver in heavy seas. She’d given him hope as he’d never had before.

He drew back slowly. “So, you saw her? My daughter?”

Holly nodded then relayed the specifics of the vision. She included his daughter’s prayer and how close she was to the end.

Rez released her. “We need to go. Right now. Do you have a sense of the location? Anything?”

Oregis flitted close, hovering at Rez’s left shoulder. “You’re being an idiot, Mastyr. You’re not fit to go back out.”

Rez scowled at Oregis. “Holly has seen Isobel. We’re returning to the cavern.”

“You both need food, sex and rest, in that order. It’s dawn for the Goddess’s sake.”

Rez barely registered any of these arguments. “Holly’s fine and Underworld is in a cave. Tell him, Davido.” Rez looked around, but Davido was gone.

“He left, Genius. He needed to get home to his wife and little girl and he put me in charge. I say you stay here.”

Rez didn’t think this last statement deserved a response, not even a ‘like hell’.

He turned back to Holly. “Are you ready?” Only one thing mattered. Getting his daughter out of that hellhole.

Holly had a hand to her chest, rubbing. But she didn’t say anything.

Oregis had stopped arguing and moved away.

Though Rez felt a little dizzy, he scrubbed his face with his hand thinking hard. “Okay, this is what we need to do. We’ll use the time-path and go back to my house in Boylbury. Then …”

A sudden, unexpected jolt to the back of his knees brought him down to the floor. He just missed slamming his head into the stones of the fireplace surround.

“What the hell?” He flipped over and stared up at Oregis. “What did you do that for?”

The gremlin looked nothing but amused, with one brow raised and his arms crossed over his chest.

Rez didn’t get it. “I’ll ask again, Oregis. Why did you knock me down?”