“Right.” He realized she wasn’t scared. This was something else. Excitement. Holly, the rebel. “I’ve got her location. It’s as clear to me as the warmth of your hand on mine.” He gave her fingers a squeeze.

She turned and smiled up at him.

His heart responded with a stumble then a tightening that made his eyes burn.

Her smiled broadened. “Shall we go spy on the bitch?”

“Do it.”

Holly faced forward and nodded. A strong vibration began and the time-path moved swiftly. He tried to detect a specific direction. Were they heading north or south? He could almost tell but they were moving so fast.

The continuum stopped abruptly and there, ten feet away, was the blond dark fae Holly had described. She stood near a long wood worktable through the blurred walls of the continuum. She had several vials of blood in a holder in front of her. She wore a teal woven gown, to her feet, with wide gold bands on her sleeves at the wrists. Upscale was right.

Lanarae frowned suddenly then looked around.

Holly whispered, “I think she knows we’re here.”

“It would appear she’s aware something’s up.”

Rez had no idea the extent of the woman’s power, but after a moment, she seemed to relax. She put the vial back in its place then returned the holder to a small, nearby fridge.

When she started to leave the room, he pathed to Holly, Follow her.

The time-path moved swiftly as did the dark fae.

A stone hallway followed, then a branching of halls. All were made of gray stone, but the ceiling of each was made up of jagged rock, as though chipped away unevenly from a cavern.

I think we’re in a cave, Holly said.

I would agree. Keep the time-path moving right at Lanarae’s heels.

As she stayed with Lanarae, the hall branched over and over. Each side path was a different tunnel. Some had stone walls. Others were simply the uneven rock of caves.

Holly kept pace with the dark fae. This must be an entire cavern system.

It is.

But which one? Tannisford had at least two dozen extensive systems that he’d explored at length. Yet, Rez had no idea where he was.

He felt it then. A dark fae spell covered the entire area and blocked his usual ability to know where he was in Tannisford.

I think Lanarae has be-spelled this system.

I have no doubt of it.

Chapter Eight

As Holly moved the time-path down the hallway, she thought she could hear the distant sounds of a woman weeping. She wanted to stop. Somehow, it seemed very important. But the dark fae was moving too fast.

Rez, do you hear that?

A woman crying? Yes. Probably a captive.

Did you see a door or anything? She slowed down slightly. Her fae instincts kept tugging at her.

No. His clipped response didn’t bother her. They were both on edge. Stay with Lanarae.

I will. She sped up.