Her brows rose. “Right. Neither of us are what we seem.”

“That was my thought.”

“Okay.” She nodded three times in a row, swift bobs of her head. “And you want to do this now?”

“Why wait? If we go on the offensive, we’ll have a better chance of surviving.”

Both Davido and Oregis dipped their chins in agreement.

She took a deep breath. “Okay. I think. Sweet Goddess, I never thought I’d go to a place like Underworld.” He watched a shudder pass through her. But she rose to her feet anyway.

As he joined her, he needed to keep reminding himself she was a very sensitive fae woman. Her reactions would never be a strict emotional response. The powerful fae he knew had connections to the future and could sense events. Getting close to Underworld, which would be laden with streams of dark fae energy, might prove very difficult for Holly.

To her credit and without hesitation, she lit up her time-pathing ability.

Even though Rez had only been in the continuum a few times, the unique vibrations were already familiar to him. The moment Holly pulled him in, he recognized the blurred edges all-round the living room. Because they were essentially still in the present, both Davido and Oregis appeared frozen in time. Each was still and unmoving. The trees beyond the windows didn’t sway in the breeze either.

It would only be as they went back in time that they’d be able to watch events unfold, though safely ensconced in the continuum. He understood the profound advantage they would have in terms of surveillance.

Holly shook her head. “I’m not sure what to do since I don’t know where Underworld is.”

“Can you picture the dark fae? The one that injected me with poison?

That might be a good plea to start.”

“You’re right. It would. She has to be part of this whole thing, whatever it is.”

Holly’s eyes darted back and forth. He felt her nerves riding her. He placed both hands on her shoulders. “Dial it down, Holly. Look at me. Take a deep breath. What you’re feeling is a kick of adrenaline. Is your heart racing?”

She nodded in more jerks of her chin. “I’m sorry. I’m shaking. I can’t seem to stop.”

He pulled her into his arms and held her close. He pathed, This is all new to you and what you’re experiencing is normal.

I fear this place. Underworld, I mean. I have the worst feeling.

With his arms around her, he could tell some of her trembling began to subside. He rubbed her back. Think of it this way. Wherever we go, we won’t be visible. No one can see us. We’re basically going on long-range reconnaissance. We’ve got a pair of high-powered binoculars we’ll be using at a safe distance and no one will be able to see us. How does that sound?

Better. And you’re right. That’s exactly what this would be.

He felt her grow very still, as a vampire might. He continued to rub her back and kept holding her until she pulled away.

He released her, but watched her carefully. She was a rookie he was taking into battle.

Her eyes didn’t jump around anymore and her shoulders had relaxed. She put her hand on his chest. “Better. Thank you.”

“You ready to do this?”

“I am.”

This time, she moved to stand next to him but reached up and put her hand on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and huffed a sigh then pathed, I’m picturing the dark fae as I remember her from Millerell. You didn’t see her, but when I went into the past and watched her inject the poison, I caught a glimpse of her. Her hair was blond, long and straight. She braided it with peacock feathers. Beyond that I didn’t see her face. Her clothes struck me as upscale.

Focus on her then. Find her in the past.

Her time-pathing vibrations beat heavily now, a solid drum against his shoulder. He felt a jolt as she pathed, I know her or at least of her. Her name is Lanarae. She’s on the Sidhe Council’s watch list. I remember seeing several dark fae on a poster once. Vojalie showed it to me, maybe for this reason.

Another shudder went through her and her eyes opened.

Rez covered the hand on his shoulder. “You can do this. She won’t see us. Remember that.”