“Was she a vampire?”

“She was.”

Holly wondered if sex with a vampire always included the sharing of blood. The thought of it caused her gums to throb in two specific, very vampire-like places. She thought it odd and wondered why she was experiencing a vampire teething process. Maybe it was her imagination.

He released her fully. “I will protect you. I know enough about this phenomenon to understand how attractive you’ll be to other mastyrs. I’ve been there.

“The problem is, I don’t see where this is going, either. Why have you and I come together? It makes no sense. You want someone no doubt more like your father, an intellectual, a fae. As for myself, I don’t want anyo


Holly had always loved the why of things. For her, it was the most intriguing part of any situation. Why does anyone fall in love? Is it to procreate? To meet the deepest needs of the other?

When she dated, she often engaged in the why questions with her man. Of course, the hardest ‘why’ to ever answer was always the same: Why did she keep breaking up with the men in her life? Why were the men she dated never good enough? And even sometimes the worst one of all: Why was she never satisfied?

Now, Rez had come into her life. So, why was he here, of all men?

She grew very still as another question rose to mind. Was her desire for him only because she was a blood rose?

~ ~ ~

“Why are you looking at me like that?” She appeared as though a strong wind had blown across her face for about an hour.

Her brows rose. “Like what?”

“Like you’re stunned, but curious at the same time.”

“Do you think the Goddess or Fate or whatever wanted us to come together?”

“I was never big on the concept of destiny.”

At that precise moment, the air rippled near the wall of windows. Rez reached instinctively and pulled Holly behind him. He bent his knees wishing like hell he had a weapon with him. Even so, he began winding up his battle energy preparing to fight.

He felt Holly’s hand on his back. Though he’d only experienced the continuum a couple of times, he recognized her time-pathing vibration.

Not yet, he pathed. Let’s see who’s decided to pay us a visit.

Two realm persons arrived, both familiar: Davido and Oregis. The latter had his back to the room. He was floating in the air in front of Davido.

Rez relaxed and dialed down his battle energy. He would have offered his greetings, but his forest gremlin foreman appeared to be in the middle of an argument with Davido.

Forest gremlins were the smallest of all realm-folk and generally despised unless you really got to know them. “And I said I refused to go. I was headed to the black market where I thought he’d gone. I wanted to find out for myself if he was dead or not.”

Davido extended his arm in Rez’s direction.

Oregis shifted his gaze to Rez. His thin eyebrows rose. “Well, what do you know. The grapevine got it wrong. You’re not dead at all. But you’re supposed to be.”

Rez had no idea what Oregis was talking about. He would have asked, but Holly moved past him. “Oregis. Davido. Though I’m not sure what has brought you here, welcome to my home.”

She leaned down to embrace Davido first, then shook Oregis’s small hand.

He was tall for a forest gremlin at eighteen inches and a full-grown, full-blooded male. He had a familiar glint in his eye as he bowed over Holly’s fingers and kissed her hand.

Oregis cut a dashing figure in brown suede hip boots, tan leathers and a black vest. He had long black hair. He wore the front section braided to hang in front of large, pointed ears that added another four inches to his overall height. His eyes were coal black, his complexion suntanned. He had no aversion to sunlight. He was muscular, compact and sexed up all the time.

There wasn’t a forest gremlin around who didn’t know just how to provoke another realm male.

As Holly turned to speak with Davido, Oregis moved in close to Holly. Behind her back, he humped his hips a couple times and winked at Rez when he did it.