
Her gaze snapped to his. “What?” A warm flush covered her cheeks, but she wasn’t embarrassed this time.

He drew close. “What’s going on in your head because right now the whole room smells like your scent. You know the fragrance of geraniums? It’s edgy yet sweet. But it’s you, as well. I’m not saying I don’t like it because I do. But I’m not sure it’s what you want or what either of us should be doing right now.”

She stared at him. “Rez –?” But the rest of the words were hard to find.

He frowned suddenly and planted his hands on her shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

“Vojalie said something to me and I have to pay attention to it. I know I’ve expressed my dislike that you didn’t return to the Guard. But she also said it seemed to her I trusted you on an instinctive level.”

“Why would she say that?”

“Because of the oak tree. I mean, what we did against that tree, what you did to me... I’ve never done that before in my life. I’ve never been one to hop into bed. Ever.”

“Wait a minute. You told Vojalie we had sex?”

She chewed on the inside of her cheek. “Sorry. But at the time, it seemed important.”

“Did she disapprove?”

“No, not at all. I did.”

“Your standards again?”

He eased the grip on her shoulders, but he didn’t let her go. His touch was warm and comforting.

This time, his dark unruly scent filled the room. Her breath caught as she held the eucalyptus and thyme fragrances in her nostrils and took apart the strong, erotic layers.

As she stared into his eyes, as she felt his hands on her shoulders, what was blood rose came alive all over again. How easy it would be to fall into bed with him.

He leaned into her and sniffed her neck, her face, the line of her throat. A soft rumbling growl returned as he switched to telepathy. I can smell your blood, Holly.

She planted a hand on his chest and gave a gentle push. She didn’t want to disconnect completely, but she needed to tell him something.

When he drew back, and with his hands still on her shoulders, she held his gaze. “I want your protection, Rez.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Of all the things you could have said right now, I wasn’t expecting that. What exactly do you mean?”

She found it hard to breathe. “I have a terrible feeling that I will be hunted by another mastyr vampire, someone vile. And the part of me that is a blood rose will respond without discrimination. I’m frightened of that possibility. Will you protect me?”

“Of course, I will.”

“Are you sure, Rez?”

“You don’t think I’m up for it? Not as strong as, say, Stone?”

She shook her head and wrinkled her nose. “Well, no. That’s not it.”

“Is he not good enough, either, Holly? A ruling mastyr?” Rez’s lips curved. There was nothing malicious in his expression. He seemed amused.

She had to think for a moment. “I guess I always saw myself with a fae. That’s all I’ve ever dated. Not that I’ve dated all that much. How about you?”

“I’ve dated. A lot.”

“No. I mean what was your wife like?”

At that his smile dimmed. “She was lovely. A good woman. An excellent mother.”