Satiated, he drew back from her throat and swiped the small wounds on her neck. He kissed her repeatedly up and down her throat finally rising to land on her ear.

She cried out for him as he swirled his tongue inside. I wish I was doing this to your sex.

Another cry and her hips jerked against his.

I want to lick you till you scream.

Goddess, Rez, you’re going to make me come.

Then let’s take this all the way.

Her arms tightened around his neck. She spoke aloud. “Yes, Rez. All the way.”

He drew back just enough to kiss her. She opened right away and he drove his tongue inside. He thrust faster now, slamming his hips into her.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Rez, I’m coming.

She tilted her head back, pressing it into the tree. His vision grew bright and her beauty hit him hard. Her scent rich with sweet geranium pummeled him. Deep inside, his mating vibration tightened over hers and rippled erotically.

She cried out over and over and that’s when he began to come, pulses of ecstasy that had him shouting, then roaring into the branches overhead.

He was man.

He was vampire.

He was life and fire and power.

To his amazement, the orgasm kept rolling.

Holly gripped his shoulders and met is gaze. Rez, I’m coming again. Sweet Goddess! Yes.

As he pulsed into Holly’s body, he felt it now, that he was ejaculating a second time and the intensity of the sensation had him roaring all over again.

How was this possible?

He didn’t care.

And he wanted to do it again and again.

~ ~ ~

Holly leaned forward and wrapped her arms tightly around Rez’s neck once more. She was breathing hard and her mind felt oddly loose like she couldn’t quite come back to herself.

Thank you. It seemed the right thing to say to Rez. He’d just given her the ride of her life. She’d never experienced anything remotely like this set of orgasms.

She couldn’t figure out if it was because he’d taken her blood or because he was so beautifully built.

Or was it just something about Rez?

Again, her mind kept rolling around these intriguing questions. All she knew was she felt wonderful and her heart felt light and free once more.

She realized she was holding him way too tight but she didn’t want to let go. She knew once she did, all the feel-good would begin to drain away, reality would assert itself and the euphoria of the moment would diminish in quick stages.

“I don’t want this to end,” she whispered.

“I get it.” He drew her away from the tree and slid his arms around her fully, holding her close. She felt his rolled-up leathers slide down behind her and fall to the ground.

“I’m amazed by what just happened.”