She had to do something.

She moved to stand next to him. Her gaze became fixed on the sharp points of his fangs. Her neck throbbed and her heart pounded. For the first time in her life, she wanted to feed a vampire.

And she wanted her jeans off, his body moving over hers.

She slowly lifted her hand and rested her palm gently on his cheek.

With her touch, he grew very still.

She lifted her gaze to his.

She’d never seen his eyes this close before. The light blue had shards of silver.

His voice pierced her mind. You came back.

I came for you. Take me somewhere, Rez. Anywhere. Now. I’m yours.

He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her tight against him. She could hardly breathe, but she didn’t care.

He guided her outside then pulled her into his arms. She thought he meant to kiss her. Instead, he took her straight up into the air, levitating swiftly. She glanced down to watch as a flood of onlookers ran out of the bar and stared up at them. The sight grew smaller and smaller, then disappeared as he veered west.

She wasn’t sure where he was taking her. Though, in truth, she didn’t care. She had what she wanted, his heavily muscled vampire body pressed up against hers.

She felt like a different person somehow. Everything about her was fixed on him. All she cared about was being with him, feeding him, touching him, making love with him.

She’d never done anything like this in her life. She ordered her careful steps, just as Vojalie had said. She took pains to weigh every decision.

Coming to the Wild Boar had been a complete deviation.

What she didn’t see yet, and maybe never would, was how this kind of decision could have a positive effect on the entire Nine Realms. She still didn’t know what Vojalie had meant by that or how anything she did could be important to the future of realm-kind.

Yet here she was with an arm slung around Rez’s neck.

A village came into view. Boylbury. She’d been there before many times. The coffee shop served excellent pies.

Rez’s family home was on the main street and had once been the village smithy. She thought he’d take her inside. Instead, he kept flyin

g, crossed over the top of the house and headed toward the back, stone wall. The garden, maybe?

He didn’t stop. He continued to fly and rose into the air even higher as he soared above his apple orchard. Another drystone wall appeared which separated the fruit trees from the pasture. Several horses grazed.

In the distance, she could see trees near the northern hills. Finally, he began his descent aiming toward a large, ancient oak.

Her heart quickened as she settled her gaze on the beautiful broad canopy and gnarled branches of the tree. The fae part of her extended her senses. There was something special, maybe even magical about this place. It was right that he brought her here.

As he landed her on the grass nearby, he released her but took her hand to draw her beneath the canopy of leaves. The tangy smell of the oak as it played against his eucalyptus-thyme scent, made her nostrils quiver.

He turned her to face him.

There was only one thing she needed to say. “Take me.”

~ ~ ~

Rez heard the words. More importantly, he felt how much she was with him.


He needed her present. “Get your clothes off.”