Wanda jerked her chin in the direction of the door behind him. Rez swiveled on his bar stool.

But there she was.


Her name came out of his mouth like a prayer.

A flickering ‘Realm Brew’ sign in the window a couple of feet from where she stood, set her dark curly hair flashing over and over. She’d done something to her hair, fluffed it out. She wore make-up, too. She looked … hot.

She didn’t smile, though. Instead, she appeared solemn as she met his gaze across the room. Solemn, but edgy. The woman wanted something.

Holy hell was right.

His body, all on its own, rose slowly from the metal bar stool. He heard Wanda say something about how she’d cover his tab. He might have thanked her, he wasn’t sure.

Wanda whistled, a quick, piercing sound meant for her bouncers. From his periphery, he watched two of her shifters head in Holly’s direction. They quickly held back several vampires moving in on her.

Wise call because Rez’s blood had begun to streak wildly through his body. He wasn’t sure he could guarantee what he’d do with his hands now balling into fists.

The effects of the alcohol quickly curled away from his brain.

Time slowed as he took one purposeful step after another in her direction. She wore something different than before. Snug jeans for one thing. For another, she had on a low-cut red sweater that revealed at least two inches of beautiful cleavage. His tongue hit his lips. His mouth watered.

She lifted her hand and pushed her hair away from her throat. Did she even know how erotic that was to a man like him, a man with a pair of fangs now throbbing in his gums?

He took a couple more steps and her face became a beacon, drawing him toward her. She had strong straight black eye-brows, which gave her a determined look. Her large hazel eyes never shifted away from him. Goddess, she was a beauty by any standard. But it was her complexion that got to him as though her skin glowed from within somehow.

His mind shot back to taking blood from the troll, but looking at Holly and wishing it was her. Desire once more rose like a heavy wave pushing him forward.

Time readjusted and he moved quickly to stand in front of her. The bouncers argued with the vampires. One of them was a mastyr.

Rez’s fangs emerged. He growled, a sound that rose above the rackety music in the far corner.

Suddenly, the music stopped mid-beat.

He growled again, only it turned into a roar, full of mating resonance.

The rest of the bar fell silent.

He had so much adrenaline pumping through him he shook. His fangs pressed into his lips. He tasted his own blood.

The roar dropped to a growl, then kept on rolling.

~ ~ ~

Holly had erotic shivers chasing all over her body. She felt like an animal in heat and the mate she wanted kept those shivers coming.

The growl.

The roar.

Sweet Goddess, the roar.

More growling.

She ached deep in her sex. If she’d felt cravings before, now she was desperate.

Yet, the room was frozen and Rez shook. Her man was ready to fight, to do battle over her if he needed to.