Holly could tell his blood needs had risen because of the battle. But Cruce had taken so much from her, she still hadn’t built the supply he needed. Rosamunde was preparing a buffet. Food would help, though Holly wished more than anything she could meet his needs right this moment.

Or maybe the ache belonged to him. Now that she was bonded to Rez, she could feel what he was experiencing one moment to the next. It would take some getting used to. The deep internal pain she felt may have been what he was feeling for his daughter, a poignant, lonely sensation, part grief, part celebration. His daughter had been returned to him. But it was also a reminder of what they’d lost as a family.

She thought maybe some diversion would help. She leaned close to him and pathed, I wonder what my father will say when I bring a vampire home as my bonded mate?

He kissed her cheek. He’d done that several times already. I don’t think he’ll

mind too much. Remember, he fell in love with a vampire himself.

She shifted just enough to meet his gaze. He did, didn’t he? Guess I never thought of it like that.

Regrets? She saw the concern in his eye, something she didn’t think would go away for a while. The moment of their bonding had been rushed and not even verbally acknowledged.

Though there were several people present, including Emily and Devyn, she turned into him. Embracing him fully, she kissed him on the lips. No regrets.

Still, when he drew back, she saw the doubt in his expression, a slight furrowing of his brows.

She kissed him. Guess I’m just going to have to prove it to you. Though for what I have in mind, it will have to wait til later. As a promise, she kissed him again.

“Oh, Goody,” a familiar gremlin voice called out. “Dinner and a show.”

Holly drew back just enough to see that Davido had arrived with Oregis balanced on his shoulder.

Vojalie came in from the kitchen and called out. “My darling is here!”

She hurried toward her husband as he levitated to meet her. She kissed him on the cheek. In turn, he swept his right arm around her waist. They’d been married for centuries, yet, somehow, they seemed to be on a perpetual honeymoon. She wondered what their secret was.

When Vojalie returned to the kitchen to help Rosamunde, Davido approached Holly and Rez. He congratulated Rez on the restoration of his daughter.

“I have Holly to thank for that.” With a lift of his arm, he gestured behind Davido. “And Emily and Devyn as well. The three of them secured Isobel’s release.”

Davido turned and with a wave of his arm, drew Emily and Devyn into the circle. Davido patted Devyn on the shoulder and offered a glittering, charismatic smile to Emily. “We have, indeed, been blessed with so many gifted folk here tonight. Ah, and here is Rosamunde with some champagne. Your timing is perfection, my dear.”

Rosamunde held the tray first for Holly. She took a flute as Rosamunde spoke over her shoulder to Davido. “Stone will be with us shortly. The battle went well, but he wanted a shower before joining us.”

As though invoking his presence, Stone strolled in from the hallway and crossed the room. His hair was still damp though pulled back in the woven clasp. “Champagne? Great idea.”

He joined Rosamunde so that the circle was now complete. Isobel was sound asleep in the guest room.

Everyone held their flutes and looked to Stone. Even Oregis had been provided a gremlin sized glass for the occasion.

Stone nodded several times as he lifted his glass. “First, to the safe return of Rez’s daughter, Isobel.”

“Hear, hear.” Everyone took a sip.

“Next, to the latest women to join the exalted ranks of the blood rose bond. Rosamunde and I especially want to extend our appreciation for what your service has already meant to our world. Tonight, we saw the elimination of yet another threat. I lift a glass to our blood roses.”

Holly smiled at Emily as the others took a sip.

She then decided she wanted to take a turn. She lifted her flute, and though her throat was tight, she said, “And to our fighting men who keep Tannisford safe. We have a beautiful society in which all realm-folk flourish, but not without the vigilant efforts of the Vampire Guard and the Troll and Shifter Brigades. But I’d also especially like to express my appreciation for what Rez has accomplished during the last two years, how many lives he’s saved through personal sacrifice of both time and to a large degree his reputation.”

It was Devyn who returned with a strong, “I will say a Goddess-amen to that.”

“And I second it.” Stone’s voice boomed around the circle.

Everyone took a drink.

Holly took Rez’s arm and gave it a squeeze. He turned and offered her a smile then kissed her cheek again.